Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 3 of A Court of Fey & Flowers, proceed at your own risk.

Names are hard. Here are some quick explanations to jog your memory. Beware, spoilers ho!

Court of Craft[]

Binx's sister Fey - Transmuted
Former Weaver of Fate Fey - Transmuted

Deepwater Court[]

None named.

Goblin Court[]

Goblin King Goblin Fey - Alive
Ruler of the Goblin Court.
Viscountess Grabalba
Goblin Fey - Alive
Goblin nobility.
Lord Blemish and Lady Boil Goblin Fey - Alive
Goblin nobility.
Captain Gorebladder Salt Goblin Fey - Alive
Part of the Goblin Court entourage.
Scorple Salt Goblin Fey - Deceased
Part of the Goblin Court entourage.
Ustain Bolt Salt Goblin Fey - Alive
Corporal Blash Salt Goblin Fey - Deceased
Part of the Goblin Court entourage.
Corporal Strump Salt Goblin Fey - Alive
Part of the Goblin Court entourage.

The Court of Hoof and Claw[]

Satyr Fey - Alive
Champion of The Court of Hoof and Claw, quarry of The Great Hart Hunt.

The Material Plane[]


Miss Gwyndolin
Fey - Alive
Formerly of the Court of Wonder. Living in the mortal realm with her boyfriend.
Esmé Human - Alive
Lady Chirp Featherfowl's wife in the mortal realm.
Peep Half Bird Fey/Half Human - Alive
Lady Chirp Featherfowl and Esmé's daughter.
Scratch Kobold - Alive
Warlock of BINX Choppley.
Mika Dwarf - Alive
Warlock of BINX Choppley.
Jeff Dwarf - Alive
Mika's son.
Jeremy Renner Human - Alive
Human actor.
Dev Patel Human - Alive
Human actor.
Michael B. Jordan Human - Alive
Human actor.
Henry Ford Human - Deceased
Entrepreneur in car manufacturing and sales.

The Seafoam Court[]

Baroness Alven Fey - Alive
Engaged to Lord Squak Airavis.
Wavemaster Water Fey - Alive
Head of The Sea Foam Court.
Sorwen Fey/Stone Wall - Alive
The Seawall, champion of the Sea Foam Court. Former member of The Court of Stone.
Wannessa Human - Alive
Rogue human on her Isekai adventure in the Fey Wild. Staying with Ephendra and The Sea Foam Court, possibly against her will.
Ephendra Fey - Alive
Friend of Kiri and Alven, hosting Wanessa.
Kiri Catfish Fey - Alive
Friend of Ephendra and Alven, hosting Wanessa.
Catfish Reverse-Mermaid Waiter Catfish Fey - Alive
Waiter at the Breakfast Room.
Seahorse Valet Seahorse - Alive
Wet Sand Messenger Wet Sand Fey - Alive
Works as a messenger.

The Seelie Court[]

King Oberon Fey - Alive
King of the Seelie Court, husband of Queen Titania.
Lady Sylmenar Fey - Alive
One of Queen Titania's ladies in waiting.
Queen Titania Fey - Alive
Queen of the Seelie Court, wife of King Oberon.

The Court of Stone[]

Jarl Korguf Fey - Alive
Leader of the Court of Stone.
Ruyin Fey - Alive
Attendant to Jarl Korguf.
Claete Fey - Alive
Attendant to Jarl Korguf.

The Trickster Court[]

Fable Fey - Alive
Leader of The Trickster Court.

The Unseelie Court[]

Advisor Fey - Alive
Andhera's advisor, accompanying him to the Bloom. Was Andhera's only friend for a long time, actually named Keith.
Grandpa Dog Yeth Hound - Alive
Andhera's pet.
Mucky Nightmare - Alive
Andhera's summoned steed.
Queen of Air and Darkness Fey (Wind) - Alive
Queen of The Unseelie Court. Andhera and Suntar's mother.
Princess Suntar
Fey - Alive
Andhera's sister, also attending the Bloom.

House of the Wing[]

Bird Fey - Alive
Grandfather of Chirp and Squak. Inventor of birds.
Fey - Alive
Lady Featherfowl and Lord Airavis's butler at The Bloom.
Caw Fey - Alive
Fixer attending the Lords of the Wing at the Bloom.

Court of Wonder[]

Prince Apollo
Fey - Deceased
Previously engaged to Viscountess Grabalba.
The Blue Fairy Fey - Alive
Gwyndolin Thistle-hop's sister. Turned Pinocchio into a real boy in the mortal realm.
The Chorus Fey - Alive
The three leaders of The Court of Wonder.
Satyr Fey - Alive
Delloso de la Rue's assistant, former member of The Court of Claw and Hoof.


Capacea, Leona and Thymor Carved Wooden Figure Fey - Alive
Identical triplet of Leona and Thymor, unknown court.
Hedge Maze Sentient Hedge - No Longer Sentient