Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki

Aabria Iyengar is a player in Pirates of Leviathan, The Seven, and The Ravening War. She plays Myrtle, Antiope Jones and Karna Solara, respectively. She is also the Game Master for Misfits and Magic, A Court of Fey & Flowers, Burrow's End and Misfits and Magic Season 2.


Aabria is the CMO of DiceEnvy.com. She plays Fess on the TTRPG show Failed Save. She also DMs Salt Bay, a collection of campaigns from the Saving Throw TTRPG Show, and GMs The Unleashed. She also hosts Storybenders, a podcast about Avatar: the Last Airbender. Aabria joined as a DM for Critical Role's show Exandria Unlimited, taking over from Matt Mercer who joined the table as a player.

Aabria Iyengar is also a Member of Worlds Beyond Number, A Tabletop Podcast Alongside Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii and Lou Wilson, and Plays the Wizard Suvi in the Podcast's First Campaign; The Wizard, The Witch, And the Wild One


  • For Pirates of Leviathan, Aabria had originally planned to make a swashbuckling, charming, con-artist warlock of Bill Seacaster. After Aabria saw the map of Leviathan, she was intrigued by Jetsam and became interested in the kinds of denizens who lived under the sea of Leviathan who were also pirates.[1]
  • If you type "Aabria rules" in the Dropout Discord, a bot will automatically paste "1. Aabria rules 2. See Rule 1"
  • Aabria is the only non-Intrepid Hero to have played multiple characters in the same universe with Myrtle and Antiope Jones both existing in the Fantasy High universe.


  1. Dropout Newsletter. 15 Sep 2020. https://mailchi.mp/chmedia/ahoy-me-hearties
Main Cast
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Intrepid Heroes Emily Axford | Brian Murphy | Lou Wilson
Siobhan Thompson | Zac Oyama | Ally Beardsley
Side Quests
Season 2
from the
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Vile Villains Matthew Mercer | Mike Trapp | Ify Nwadiwe
Rekha Shankar | Erika Ishii | Amy Vorpahl
Season 5
Tiny Heist
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Tiny Thieves Jessica Ross | Clint McElroy | Griffin McElroy
Travis McElroy | Justin McElroy | Lily Du
Season 7
Pirates of
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Buccaneer Buddies Marisha Ray | Carlos Luna | Matthew Mercer
B. Dave Walters | Krystina Arielle | Aabria Iyengar
Season 9
& Murder
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Sylvan Sleuths Grant O'Brien | Ally Beardsley | Sam Reich
Rekha Shankar | Raphael Chestang | Katie Marovitch
Season 10
and Magic
Game Master Aabria Iyengar
Magical Misfits Lou Wilson | Brennan Lee Mulligan
Danielle Radford | Erika Ishii
Season 11
The Seven
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Heroic Highschoolers Erika Ishii | Aabria Iyengar | Isabella Roland
Persephone Valentine | Becca Scott | Rekha Shankar
Season 12
Game Master Gabe Hicks
Players Ally Beardsley | Ify Nwadiwe
Lily Du | Dani Fernandez
Season 14
Game Master Jasmine Bhullar
Fang Gang Isabella Roland | Zac Oyama
Carlos Luna | Erika Ishii
Season 15
A Court of
Fey & Flowers
Game Master Aabria Iyengar
Pack of Pixies Brennan Lee Mulligan | Omar Najam | Oscar Montoya
Emily Axford | Lou Wilson | Surena Marie
Season 17
The Ravening
Game Master Matthew Mercer
Scrumptious Scoundrels Anjali Bhimani | Aabria Iyengar | Lou Wilson
Brennan Lee Mulligan | Zac Oyama
Season 18
Dungeons and
Drag Queens
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Questing Queens Bob the Drag Queen | Jujubee
Monét X Change | Alaska Thunderfuck
Season 19
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Prefrontal PIs Siobhan Thompson | Danielle Radford | Mike Trapp
Freddie Wong | Alex Song-Xia | Hank Green
Season 20
Burrow's End
Game Master Aabria Iyengar
Stupendous Stoats Isabella Roland | Brennan Lee Mulligan | Rashawn Nadine Scott
Jasper William Cartwright | Siobhan Thompson | Erika Ishii
Season 22
Never Stop Blowing Up
Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan
Amazing Action Stars Isabella Roland | Jacob Wysocki | Alex Song-Xia
Ify Nwadiwe | Ally Beardsley | Rekha Shankar
Season 23
Misfits and Magic
Season 2
Game Master Aabria Iyengar
Magical Misfits Lou Wilson | Brennan Lee Mulligan
Danielle Radford | Erika Ishii
Misc. Fantasy High
Liveshow Guests
Griffin McElroy | Brian David Gilbert
Misfits and Magic
Live at GenCon 2022
Becca Scott | Michelle Nguyen Bradley
Noxweiler Berf | Markeia McCarty