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Alba Mac Lir is the sea witch who granted Mira legs in exchange for her voice. The is the witch of the entire seas of the Neverafter.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Alba


Alba Mac Lir is a powerful witch of the oceans of the Neverafter. She is Scottish, and speaks with a heavy accent. Alba has the ability to live all iterations of her character at once, and, therefore, no storyline holds a sense of urgency. She is the younger sister (though in a collegiate kind of way) of Baba Yaga. None of her favors come for free, and she insists on something of value in exchange. She collects people's voices, storing them in a "Blue Man Group"-style pipe organ.


The Sea Witch transformed Mira from a mermaid into a human in exchange for her voice, so that she may go to land and have the prince she loved fall in love with her. After the prince rejected Mira, the witch gave Mira's sisters a knife to kill the prince in exchange for their hair. She had done this because the prince's great grandfather had wronged her, and she wanted revenge. (She couldn't carry out the revenge herself due to fey protections on the prince's house.)


Terror on Toy Island[]

The sea witch shows up during the fight that started with trying to protect Mira from her father, but progressed into fighting Il Terrible Pescaone. She shows up in a boat warning of the impending danger, but quickly realizes she arrived too late. After the battle is over, she and Mira meet each other, and Mira is not happy about it.

Daughters of the Crown[]

With her arrival, Alba gives Mira back her voice. She then explains that she had made the deal with Mira as an angle to kill "her" prince; that she had never intended for the mer princess to be voiceless forever. Instead she had wanted Mira to see what a loser the prince was, and carry out her own revenge on the prince's great grandfather. After a long, drawn out argument during which the Intrepid Heroes leave for them to work things out, it seems that they are able to find an understanding between each other.

After sharing a shot of bubble gum and whiskey with the team, she explains to the team that she is aware of the great fight between the princesses and the fairies, as both have approached her for aid. The fairy with the turquoise hair in particular, wanted her help in the fight. She also reveals that she knows the Baba Yaga, and that the Gander has been revealed in the north in the Land of Giants. In exchange for a golden bridle, Alba tells the group why Baba Yaga rejected the offer to join the princesses in their fight against the fairies. She also explains the importance of Mother Timothy Goose's book, gives the team her boat, and leaves back into the sea.


  • One of the stories that Alba sees of her life is specified that she dies by having a ship mast plunged into her stomach as she's struck by lightning. This is the way the sea witch, Ursula, is killed in the animated Disney version of The Little Mermaid.
Neverafter Characters
Player Characters Princess Rosamund du Prix | Pinocchio
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh | Puss in Boots
Mother Timothy Goose | Ylfa Snorgelsson
PC Families Mother Snorgelsson | Ylfa Jottensdottir
Princess Elody of Greenleigh | Geppetto
Henry Hubbard | Jack Hubbard-Goose
PC Stories Tomas | Ricard | Marco | Alphonse the Mule
The Woodsman | Big Bad Wolf | Candlewick | Cricket
Il Terribile Pescecane | Prince Jonathan of Apogee
The Chandling
Boffit | Old King Cole | The Red Hen
Herr Drosselmyer | Eidelgrin | Senator
Lord Bandlebridge | Stephan | Magic Mirror
Elegy Donal | Fairy Godmother's Minions
Other Cressida Lumley
The Lullaby Lands Dish | Spoon | Pete the Cow | Itsy Bitsy Spider
Little Miss Muffet | Mayor Harold Hopps
The Endless Nights Scheherazade | Sinbad
Snowhold The Snow Queen | Koschei the Deathless | Baba Yaga
The Council
of Kings
The Baron of Bricks | The Mer-King | The Naked Emperor
The Tzar of Snowhold | The Mouse King | The King of Apogee
Tiny Humans Thumbelina | Tom Thumb | Jack, the Giant-Killer
Other Mürrisch, Schläfrig & Arzt | The Sword of Veritas
Alba Mac Lir | Flat William
The Fairies Nara | Bella | Nura | Anma | Hilda | Turquina
The Wicked Fairy | Fairy Godmother
The Princesses Cinderella | Snow White
Rapunzel | Mira | La Bête
Miscellaneous Beaky | The Authors | The Stepmother | Fox and Rabbit | The Gander
Aesop | The Golden Goose | Pinocchi-Crow | Key & Legend