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Dimension 20 Wiki

Andre Henreek, is a student in the Aqrabus house at Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts. He is the defacto leader of the Magical Miscreants, and is played by Becca Scott.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Andre Henreek
Live Shows


"Hello, my name is Andre Henreek, and I am perhaps a bad boy of this school. My pronouns are he/him, or I'm sorry, pardon me, he/they, whatever, I'm down. Let's see, Andre, of course ... Oh, that is my little friend, Ravageur, who rides on my shoulder, my familiar. And look, I may look a little old, but that's just the streaks of magic in my dark, ravenous hair. And my mustache is very twisted on the tips, if you know what that means. You know what that means, right? ... I have stayed a couple years here. I like it here. I mean, I failed, oh no. I was held back, it's terrible. But I am an upperclassman and you know, oh, I play Scuppers." ― Becca Scott


Andre is a a very lustful individual, and considers himself one of the "bad boys" of the school, being easily distracted by those he finds attractive. He has been held back from graduating, though this doesn't seem to bother him. He impies the reason his mustache is twisted is due to either his sexual ability and/or horny desire. He speaks with a French accent. He likes to watch the teams practice Scuppers to watch the athletes move. GM Aabria Iyengar refers to him as a "sex pest."


Andre is nineteen years old, which makes him older than his classmates, and this shows in his appearance. He has silver streaks in his black hair, which he says are "streaks of magic." He also has a mustache twisted at the tips into handlebars.


Andre is nineteen. He has been held back so is older than most of his classmates, something that he's not particularly concerned about. Andre loves Scuppers, and is a player under his team's captain, Chip n Rip.


Khanh Nguyen[]

Before the big game of Rivalry Week between Aqrabus and Hercinil, Andre goes to the Scuppers field to watch the athletes and gain intel on their plays. However, he gets distracted by how hot the athletes are, and starts to simply watch them. He is noticed skeeving by Khanh who yells at him to go away, landing her broom with her arms crossed as she watches him go. As Andre slinks away, Khanh gives him a "Come at me, bro," stance that she learned by Jammer. He misinterprets this as being something sexual.

Premium Va-Casians[]

Andre is a fellow upper classman in the Aqrabus House. Premium has a side business of bottling her sweat which she sells on Etsy. Andre is her best customer, saying the bottles smell like champagne, baby powder, cinnamon, and just plain sweat.


Ravageur is Andre's familiar. He is an anthropormorphic French candlestick that is legally distinct from a similar character created by Disney. He cannot speak, but flickers his flames with varying intensity to communicate.

Sylvie Ecclentripe[]

After Chip and Sylvie bond over their mutual love of rocks, Andre replies that he loves many things. The overt sexuality of his statement freaks Sylvie out. So she backs away, and hides behind Chip. She then chastizes him, saying that he's nasty, and tells him Messanteu House has posters up specifically warning its students to stay away from Andre.


  • Andre's broom is a Heartwood's Helper. It has a thick, dark, and sturdy oak base that curves at the tip. This makes it easier to hold.
  • It really bothers him that Messanteu House thinks he is a creep. His quote, "I just love a lot," is written at the bottom of the posters.
  • He is heavily motivated by smell.

Misfits and Magic Characters
Player Characters Main Season Dream | Evan Kelmp | Sam Black | Whitney Jammer
Live Show Dangerwolf Darkhawk | Chip n Rip
Andre Henreek | Premium Va-Casians
PC Families and Familiars BooBoo | Dangerwolf's Parents | Evan's Shadow | Janet and Maurice Tanaka | Mordecai | Ravageur | Ron | Sam's Mother | Spalding | Terminator 2 | Theodore | Troxie Darling
Academy of
Arcane Arts
Faculty Headmistress Boudicca Philtrum | Nurse David Stitchnit | The Frunthwinkle | Dr. Norman Boodle | Sausage | Professor Viniscus
Hercinil Digsby Cooper | Fergus Ponst | Khanh Nguyen | Tallulah Jillymont
Aqrabus Penfrew Lairmsbury | Raclette Camembert
Messanteu Sylvie Ecclentripe
Chimeron Anamika | Coggle and Hoggle Undergus | Frink | Jesse | Lemli Irving | Peter
Other Confirmation Dais | Freya | Golden Snitch Kid | Jammer's Coach | Juice Freshman | Roger | Vertiq Alley Shopkeepers
