Ankarna is a Giant Celestial goddess of justice, summer, and harvest, and, in her corrupted form, an Infernal goddess of rage, fire, and conquest.
Ankarna's name was seemingly removed from Solace per oblivati mori, but was uncovered by Adaine Abernant. She is married to Cassandra.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Ankarna |
Fantasy High: Junior Year
Currently, Ankarna is a humanoid-looking deity, with saturated red-orange skin, dark-red hair that flows into a sun-like yellow, and eyes that project the sun. She also has red lightning-like markings that span the entirety of her body; a depiction of her rage. She wears a yellow, orange, and red scale armour, adorned with various shatter-star insignia. When met by Fig Faeth, it is shown she has 24-pointed shatter-stars surrounding her; another depiction of her rage.

The effects of a shatter-star on an individual.
In her original, uncorrupted form, her skin is the same red-orange but of a less-saturated tone. She has markings on her skin, but instead, they are 24-pointed depictions of the sun. She wears no armour, but instead a strapless bra, and baggy trousers, with netting around her forearms and lower legs. In illustrations of this form, she is seen with 24-pointed stars surrounding her, but they are less harsh and are instead depictions of the sun.
In her corrupted form, Ankarna has the power summon red pointed crystalline objects, known as shatter-stars. If touched by an individual, they will become a monster fuelled only by rage. These shatter-stars also have the ability to resurrect people, should the recipient be willing, for example, Buddy Dawn was resurrected by a shatter-star following his murder, while Lucy Frostblade and Yolanda Badgood were not willing and instead had Ankarna's name marked on their chests, hindering proper means of resurrection.

Ankarna and Cassandra together
Ankarna was originally a Celestial but fell, becoming an Infernal. Before her falling and eventual death, she was married to Cassandra. At their wedding, Galicaea, Cassandra's sister, served as Cassandra's matron of honour while Ruvina was Ankarna's. Ankarna gifted the Armor of Pride to Athenriel as a "thank you" gift, which in turn cursed Athenriel's bloodline (including Fig and Gilear Faeth) at some point after the wedding.
After her death, Ankarna's name was removed from Solace almost entirely.
At some point in the past, Bakur attempted to resurrect Ankarna, but was stopped by Lydia Barkrock's former adventuring party, and was embedded into a red gem in Lydia's chest.
Mall Madness[]
Ankarna's powers first appear during the fight at the Synod Mall, in which they manifest out of Cassandra's chest and cause the wizards in the malls to become "Rage Mages". Cassandra is, herself, inflicted with the effects of the shatter-stars and becomes a larger, more rageful version of herself. Kristen Applebees attempts to remove the effects on Cassandra by using dispel magic by way of her Staff of Doubt, but ultimately fails.
Following Conor Counterspell putting the Mall in a timeloop, Kristen tries to mentally reach out to Cassandra to see or listen to what's going on with her, but is instead greeted by a deep voice saying "She is at my side once more. Do you wish for divinity?" The voice offers Kristen a "master she deserves", and dumps the slimy, rotting body of YES! out of a portal in front of her, which Kristen casts banishment on. The voice then tells Kristen that they are coming for her, and will break her irrevocably, before Kristen cuts communication.
A Very Merry Moonar Yulenear[]
During The Bad Kids' trip to Fallinel for the Moonar Yulenear, they were shown to a set of standing stones by Princess Naradriel, who explains them as a place where realms can be travelled between more easily. While investgating one of the stones, Riz Gukgak finds writing beneath the snow line, which appears to be an ancient, divine wedding contract. Sol is listed in the center as the officiant, Galicaea is the matron of honor with Ruvina as her counterpart on the opposite side, and Cassandra is the bride. With the encouragement of Fig, rats summoned by Fabian Seacaster assist Riz in digging while showing hole, and successfully uncover the name of Cassandra's spouse. The name is in a runic language, and the only person who can understand it, Adaine, reads it aloud: "Ankarna."
Immediately after Ankarna's name was spoken aloud, the stone circle begins to glow red and fill with fiendish energy. Everyone jumps into the circle for safety, including Ragh Barkrock and Aelwyn Abernant, but the magic of the circle repels Zayn Darkshadow, who is a ghost. Ragh gets a call, saying that something is happening with the gem in his mother's chest. Tracker O'Shaughnessey confronts the group, but she and Naradriel are thrown out of the circle. The moon becomes full, causing Tracker to begin transforming into a werewolf. The hallow spell on the stone circle partially materializes the ethereal yellow Armor of Pride around Fig, and a moonbeam tries to pull it off of her, causing her flesh to begin to tear off in the process. Cassandra's shards in Kristen's pocket begin to glow blindingly bright, throwing mirror reflections everywhere, including around Fig to protect her.