Aquamarine is a representative of the Seelie court in Faerie.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Aquamarine |
The Unsleeping City
Aquamarine is a tiny little neon faerie with buzzing wings. Like many faeries, she's unassuming and clever in order to get what she wants. She may be small and cute, but she's not a pushover or a dummy.
Faeries and Feces[]
After the defeat of the queen of the faeries, Titania, during Midsummer Nights, Misty Moore, now Rowan Berry, is presented with the issue of what to do with the Seelie Crown. A conclave is called to decide what should be done, and Aquamarine is first to speak on this issue-- one should never speak ill of the dead, and she respects Titania very much, obviously, and she doesn't mean to perpetuate the misogynistic attitude towards women in positions of power, but she as very hard to work with. Rowan, on the other hand, is just so beautiful and down to earth.
The three groups present at the conclave offer their own solutions: Aquamarine asks for the crown to be returned to the Seelie, and New York to be re-founded as a Seelie court with Rowan as its sole monarch; Puck requests the crown to be turned over to the Unseelie in exchange for three boons from Lord Obron, and acknowledgement and recognition of New York as its own realm; and the clock gnomes of Grand Central Terminal offer to reshape the crown and found a new Fae court in New York.
When it's decided that the clock gnomes will reshape the crown, Rowan invites Aquamarine to be part of the formation of the new court. In exchange for her service, Aquamarine asks a favor, which Rowan begrudgingly accepts: since the crown is not being returned to the Seelie, she asks that Titania's Slippers be returned instead, so that they may choose a new leader. As a sort of compromise to founding a new monarchy when they'd all just voted against that, Aquamarine suggests that Rowan keeps the shoes as long as she leads the new court in New York, and she will return them should she find a suitable alternative. In addition, after returning the shoes, Rowan adds the condition that the new leader that is chosen should be the leader of both the New York court and the Seelie, and that anyone else who claims leadership over just the Seelie is an illegal pretender. Aquamarine accepts.
Hall of Heroes[]
Aquamarine is in attendance when when Rowan calls on the fairies of the New York Court to help their fight against Robert Moses.