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Aurora Nebbins is a beautiful Royal Blue Mastiff the crew of The Wurst were hired to steal.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Aurora |
A Starstruck Odyssey
She is 20 feet long, weasel-like in build, covered in spikes and weighs roughly a ton. In addition to the dozens of sharp teeth in her maw, additional teeth grow from around her mouth and lips. Beautiful dog!
She is also semiaquatic, allowing her to traverse The Wurst's water system.
Leading up to the Battle of the Brands, Sundry Sidney purchases Aurora armor to keep her safe.
Adopted by Myalor Nabthacks, Aurora the beautiful Royal Blue Mastiff was known as top dog for the Carbine Kennel Dog Show, stealing the spotlight from Hyacinth Khrome and her dog. Hyacinth hires the Gunner Channel to steal Aurora so she can win the dog show.
After accepting the challenge, the Gunner Channel successfully steals Aurora and adopts her onto the Wurst by means of Sundry Sidney, who takes Aurora Nebbins as her own pet. During the heist, Aurora kills her own owner, Nabthacks, souring the Gunner Channel's original plan to ransom her back.
Aurora is later attacked by Barry Nyne in episode 11, Flee From Fantanimalland. She survives this encounter and later joins the Gunner Channel in the Battle of the Brands.
- Her diet consists mostly of terrapins.
- She is the best girl. Yes she is.
- Much like Calroy Cruller, Aurora Nebbin's token was designed before the campaign, and Brennan decided to make it a dog that the party would have to steal.