Bambi LeRoux is The Wurst's resident gambler at Barry's Big Win Casino and wife of Plug Strutt.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Bambi |
A Starstruck Odyssey
Time Quangle
Bambi is a human woman with four or five false eye lashes on her eyes, a huge blue beehive hair wig, beaded necklaces, and an 'incredibly loud floral silk number'. She is a risk taker and incredibly lucky. Bambi also flirts with most people around her.
Around 40 years ago, Bambi gambled in a Hypercube where she came up 3 Bars in the slot machine and won 80 Billion Galactic Credits, instead of being shot through space and time. She spent time at Mas Vegas, Lavada before she found Big Barry's Casino on The Wurst, finding it better than other casinos such as The Andalusian and The Nero.
The House Always Wins[]
Face to Face[]
Bambi is mentioned to have briefly been taken into custody of United Free Trade Planets, but is released once The Gunner Channels informs them she has nothing to do with Gnosis.
The Luckless, the Abandoned, and the Forsaked (Part 1)[]
The Luckless, the Abandoned, and the Forsaked (Part 2)[]
After the battle, Bambi marries Plug Strutt on The Wurst with Captain Norman Skip Takamori officiating.
- Bambi drinks for free at Barry's Big Win Casino.
- After her time in the Hypercube, Bambi sees other timelines in her dreams.