Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki

Beezo is a talking worg who helps Sokhbarr feed and care for the various creatures and beasts of Zaul'Nazh.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Beezo
Escape from the Bloodkeep


Beezo is one of the few worgs at The Bloodkeep who can talk. He enjoys spending time with Sokhbarr and the other creatures and beasts of The Bloodkeep. But he also would enjoy living in the mountains. Beezo makes sure that each beast and creature that can talk once its born swears itself to Zaul'Nazh.


Welcome to the Dark Side[]

Beezo goes to fetch Sokhbarr when J'er'em'ih is about to give birth, and stays by his side for most of it.

Bloodlines and Lifelines[]

The Lieutenants encounter him on their way through the Bloodkeep. Beezo is partially-singed but in good spirits, as he has eaten a bunch of people. After talking to Sokhbarr, he runs off into the hills to live like a wild thing.

Escape from the Bloodkeep Characters
Player Characters Efink Murderdeath | Sokhbarr | Leiland
Lilith | Maggie | Markus St. Vincent
PC Families Jason | Jessa | Russell | Kyle | Telmeir the Calm | Gogmoth | Leiland Jr. | Tavian St. Vincent
The Forces of Darkness Zaul'Nazh | The Vinguri | Keldriel | Olag | Hobbert and Frod | Master Ipskix | Master Privo | The Norns | Beezo | Sistra | Avanash | Hork | John Feathers | Matthias Feathers | J'er'em'ih | Lava Mog
The Forgotten Fleet Anne of Kilkathery | Bad Henry | Ol' Pickering
The Nightmare Realm Gogmoth | The Boatman | The Nameless Evils
The Forces of Light Stalker | Bulric Bellbarrel | Kasara the Beige | Drova Longfoot | Galfast Hamhead | Goroomrara