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"My name's Barry Syx. I'm from the Barry Battalion, alright? Only thing that could take us out was a trip to the zoo. Before that, we fucking kicked ass, and guess what, we'd didn't take names because we didn't ask 'em." ― Big Barry Syx

Big Barry Syx is one of 11 clones of Dr. Barry Bohunk, and gunner aboard The Red Hot. He is played by Brian Murphy.



From the moment he emerged from his cloning vat, Big Barry Syx has been an excitable, rambunctious, and affectionate bro. His time in the Barry Battalion saw him fighting to defend orphanages and monasteries threatened by the pervasive evil of corporate crypto secretariat religious shenanigans. He hates shenanigans. Since the tragic murder of his beloved Barrys he has remained a positive and supportive member towards the crew of the Red Hot.


Big Barry Syx is an improved clone from the template of Dr. Barry Bohunk or "01" of the Barry Battalion. He wears his hair long with a trimmed beard. He sports an exoskeleton type of power armor that looks totally rad, and is emblazoned with the number "06".


Big Barry Syx was born alongside 10 other clones of Dr. Barry Bohunk circa the year AnarchEra 200. His first words were “What’s up fellas?” They were created for a single purpose: to form the Barry Battalion and unfuck the little guy. For the next decade or so, he and his elite team of Barry bros stomped through the galaxy and unfucked the little guys.

One day, Dr. Barry 01 announced that he would be taking all twelve of them to the happiest amusement park in the galaxy, Uncle B.O.B.'s Fantanimaland. Much rejoicing and wrestling was had. When they got to the park, Big Barry Syx separated from the group to buy them all ice cream. When he returned to his clan of Big Barry Bro Clones, he discovered they had all been murdered by Barry Nyne. Shocked and confused, Barry Syx demanded to know what had happened. Big Barry Nyne replied, "I did what you would do" and attempted to kill Barry Syx as well, but his power cell was empty. Barry Nyne suddenly blasted off into the atmosphere and departed Uncle Bob's Fantanimaland, leaving Big Barry Syx alone amidst the carnage, screaming for his brothers.

Sometime after, Barry Syx joined the crew of the Red Hot as a gunner, alongside Sundry Sidney.


Circa year 220 of Anarchera, Big Barry Syx was part of a failed heist of borinyum krystals. An intense chase through space occurred as the Red Hot was pursued by dozens of Roid Remover drones as well as The Lady Pike, commanded by Captain Jan De La Vega. Big Barry Syx successfully blasted one Roid Remover but, unfortunately, after the Red Hot sustained a catastrophic amount of damage, the crew decided to jettison 14 out of 15 crates of the product. However, the remaining crate did not contain any borinyum krystals and instead was filled with rotten imitation powdered egg substitute and a Cerebro-slug which crawled inside Captain Norman Takamori.

After helping the Captain back to his quarters and waiting for him to stabilze, Big Barry Syx recognized that the Skipper's condition presented an opportunity to commit a "light mutiny" so that the crew could keep their jobs aboard The Red Hot. Barry nominated Margaret Encino to take the captaincy because of her decision to completely finance The Red Hot's repairs, but she declined. The plans for mutiny were scuttled when the Skipper regained consciousness under the control of the Parasitic Brain Slug. Rather than being repulsed or scared of the parasite in Norman's brain, who now identifies as "Skip", Barry and the rest of crew really liked the change of management. To celebrate, the crew decided to watch the movie "200fast 200furious", to pass the time as they made their way to Mangena Station. While enroute Barry was awoke in the middle of the night when Sundry Sidney's sudden revelation about her own desires caused her to scream for ice-cream causing him to have a vivid flashback of that tragic day at Uncle Bob's Fantanimal Land. While at the station Barry, Sidney, The Skip, and Gunny attempted to get some work from a Proldier at a bar. After some catastrophic attempts to negotiate, a lavender perfume bomb, a fictitious fart, and a slight on the Barry Battalion's memory resulted in the unceremonious beatdown of the Proldier and the revelation that Captain Jan De La Vega was pretty furious the the crates of borinyum krystals were all rotten imitation powdered egg substitute. Barry told off De La Vega and the newly dubbed Gunner Channel put her officially on notice....by fleeing the station before the repairs to the Redhot were complete.


Dr. Barry Bohunk and the Barry Battalion[]

Big Barry Syx has 11 siblings: Barry 02-12 and their creator, Dr. Barry Bohunk "01".

The Red Hot[]

After the murder of his family by his clone brother Barry Nyne he eventually joined the crew of the Red Hot, captained by "Skipper" Norman Takamori where he met his co-gunner Sundry Sidney. Norman greatly resents his crew and hates Barry mainly because he often incorrectly calls him "Skip." Barry Syx seems to have solid relationships with rest of his crew including Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax, Riva, and Margaret Encino. He alongside the rest of his crew greatly prefer the new "Skip" after Norman awakens, having suffered an attack from an unknown parasitic alien.


  • Barry enjoyed rollerblading with the Barrys, prior to their death. However, because rollerblading went out of style, they had switched to roller skates,
  • While Big Barry Syx is a cloned human in-universe, mechanically, he is an Shistavanen, due to his regenerative capabilities and keen sense of smell.
A Starstruck Odyssey Characters
Player Characters Skip | Riva | Sundry Sidney | Big Barry Syx | Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax | Margaret Encino
United Free Trade Planets Lucienne Rex | Damien Factor | Higgs | Agent Oscars | Phil | Slim | Veep 909
Crown and Scepter, Ltd. Natalia Cicero Connie Lee Carter Bajar
Incorporated Elysian Republic Dread Dictator
Griivarr Family Handy Andi Android Manufacturers | Max Griivarr | B.O.B. Griivarr | Auma Liu
Acme Ashmun Dora Valentine | Ross | Cornelius Ashmun
Other Living Doll | Troikani Partners Board | Repo Reapers
Other Americadia Analinda Weatherall | Gust Weatherall | Brutus
Aguatunisia Cool Water of the Shaded Reef | Rising Bubbles from a Deep Volcanic Vent Many Fathoms Below Us
Cerebroslugs King Prilbus | Chamberlain Drablian | Seneschal Vrong
The Wurst Handy Annie | SQ | Raymond Zam | Autumn | Aurora Nebbins | Bambi Leroux | Galactic Girl Guides
Rec Station 97 Hyacinth Khrome | Salazar | Mona Medina | Zvoon | Mae | Myalor Nabthacks
Rubian V Princeps Zortch | Gnosis | Xhirhaus
New Texas Chesters | Lamelia Lefarve | Plug Strutt | Sheriff Warner Codge | Crunch Moon-Jones | Loose Duke
The Griivarr Worlds Ronnie Kwan | Dr. Edwina Castor | The Junkmother | Servo Sam | Sunlight Sparkling through the Upper Waters | Fantanimals | Jeremy
The U4F Ife Amari-Reyes | Captain Jan De La Vega | Needles | Captain Dan Scrap
Other Spacers Hogg Cobb | Shawna Waters | Kilogram Demitrius | Krang Voltro | Jasmine and Estrea Martinez
Misc Dr. Barry Bohunk | Barry Battalion | Barry Nyne | Sister Mildred of the Cosmic Veil | Professor Erwin Rashbax | Dr. Jeffrey Miggles | Warfare Whitney | Jimmy the Snout | Plinth | Sadie Zeb | Zeke Donaldson Quark | Chip Hatwell | Doc