"Your ideas and flaws don't live on a page, they live in your actions and deeds." ― Brennan gettin' deep
Little Big Crimes is the first episode of season 4, Tiny Heist.
The season's PCs are introduced, and the conflict revealed: Felix Flick has made life very difficult for the Bittyfolk who live outside of 4 Thimble Lane, known as the Moochers, and he only plans to make it worse.
"It is a beautiful, late summer day, the final days of August in the heartland of America. And this is Thimble Lane, which ends in a cul-de-sac. Thimble Lane has a bunch of sweet, little houses on it, at the sort of mouth of Thimble Lane we see a big community swimming pool, and the Teen Center's over there. And we come down to number 4 Thimble Lane, where we see a very sweet little boy, he's about six years old. He's wearing a little blanket as a cape, and he's got his pajamas on, he's been wearing the same set of pajamas all summer and never changing into regular clothes 'cause it's summer. Why the hell wouldn't you? They get washed! [...]
We see him running a rumpus through the house and bouncing off of couches. You see he's got some snacks ready, and he's got some toys, and he's running around. He goes and knocks on the door of his older brother, Max, who's a teenager. Max's room is filthy, just piled high with stuff everywhere. He goes: "Max, Max, you wanna come out and play?" "Leave me alone!", and Max cranks the music up. You see that Dylan runs downstairs and tries to bug his mom. His mom is on the phone, she goes: "Dylan, I don't have time for it right now, you gotta head outside, go play in the yard with your brother." He scoots off, you know, bugging her some more, like climbing up on the counter to get some snacks. She's on the phone call with the school going: "Listen, Dylan has a deathly peanut allergy, and if so much as a single peanut makes its way into any kid's lunchbox this year, it's- he's toast."
You see that Dylan sort of grabs some Ritz crackers and some cheese and runs outside, where we see a little tent in the backyard, out by an old tree with a bird house, garden shed off to the side. He yells back into the house, he goes: "'Kay, but you're all missing it! I know there's widdle people living in the house! And out in the yard! They're out there, I seen them! They're like-- they run around behind the bookshelf, and they have like a saltshaker cap as a backpack, a acorn--". [...] He puts a little plate of some crumbs outside of his little tent, that sort of little, like, pitched canvas tent in the backyard, and he says: "I know there's some widdle people out here somewhere, and there's bugs and faiwies, and my toys will help me find 'em too."
But Dylan was more right than he could know, for Thimble Lane was full of Bittyfolk, tiny little one-inch tall people who lived in the walls, and in the yard, and beyond. Fairies as well, and mice, and bugs, and talking toys. A little world that, I'm afraid, might be less whimsical than a child would first imagine."
- Number 4, Thimble Lane
- Teen Centre