Blast from the Passed is the fifteenth episode of Fantasy High: Sophomore Year.
"Last we left off, our intrepid heroes, they were in the skies of Avernus, the first layer of Hell! We return now to the deck of the Goldenrod, AKA the body of Kalvaxus, big spoilers for season one-- What are you doing watching this show if you haven't seen season one of Fantasy High? Spoiler alert, our Bad Kids here, a group of teen adventurers from the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, have gone on their spring break of sophomore year for their big year project to return the Crown of the Nightmare King."
"They are at the borders of the forest when all of a sudden, some shenanigans happen and some of the party has to go to hell to resolve some legal disputes having to do with Fig, the party's bard, and her devil dad, Gorthalax the Insatiable and his abandoned fiefdom the Bottomless Pit in hell. Our party has just rejoined on the deck of the ship but the father of Fabian Aramaris Seacaster, the archdevil, Captain Bill Seacaster and his rebel armada of dragon carcass ships fly through the skies of hell as Ayda Aguefort, the new flame of one Figueroth Faeth has also come here to attempt to flood hell, rescue Fig."
"The party is reunited and, you now are conducting a daring raid to smash through to the second level of hell to rescue Riz's captured father, Pok Gukgak, who he saw in an interaction with the Shadow Cat, being trapped by devils on the second level of hell. Tl;dr, pirate devil dad and friends meet up using a Plane Shift spell to rescue Riz's dad from interrogation and also maybe flood hell and start a war with all the devils."
"Moments before, our crew from the edge of Sylvaire, Plane Shifts. Just to, again, paint the picture of where we are in space, right? The Goldenrod, which is the transmogrified body of the big bad from season one, Kalvaxus, with the deck of a ship built into him, a bunch of cinder zombie pirates all over him, his wings spread, he's flying through the skies of hell. Blasted red rock beneath you and a roiling sky of fire above you. At the helm, at the back of the ship, at the wheel, is Captain Bill Seacaster, an enormous devil: burning ember eye, an insignia of flames, skull and crossbow floating over his head, giant weird third arm with a like, a devil bone hook on the end of it, laughing uproariously at the helm. On the deck with him are not only his cinder zombies, but also Riz, Fig, Gilear and the Hangman along with Wretchrot, your personal valet, as the newly minted archdevil."
"You were all lifted up out of the Bottomless Pit on ropes that like, basically yanked you up on rope ladders from this rescue from Bill, you guys lit that beacon. You also see tons of crates and boxes coming up out of the Bottomless Pit that Bill's pirates, on his other ships, have just yoinked, and this ship as well, have just yoinked a bunch of stuff out of the Bottomless Pit treasure, books, weaponry, you know, doing their pirate thing. And a bunch of that is coming onto the ship as well. As that happens, your friends arrive. You also saw Alistair Ash, the pirate and formerly living warlock of Bill Seacaster who is now an intern on the Goldenrod."
"The rest of our intrepid heroes, Kristen Applebees, Fabian Aramaris Seacaster, Adaine Abernant and Gorgug Thistlespring all arrive as well with Sandra Lynn, her griffin Baxter in tow, Ayda Aguefort, Plane Shifting, Ragh Barkrock, Tracker O'Shaughnessy and I think that's actually everybody."
The episode proper begins with Brennan being chastised for this battle being nearly indecipherable, and he agrees. The Arborly squad shifts planes to Avernus, where Fabian is immediately greeted by his father and threatened by Alistair Ash, who immediately starts to tussle with him. Devils of the Armies of the Nine Hells begin to teleport onto Bill's ships via an odd ground-air missile. Bill calls out for his fleet to move on to the Iron City of Dis, where Riz's father is being held captive and tortured. Just as everyone is about to enter initiative, Gilear asks Bill if there's anywhere he can safely hide, to which Bill replies "For the honor-less dog that fucked my wife, no!" and then promptly shoots Gilear in the chest, killing him once more. This effectively starts the fight.
Cannons are loaded with holy objects, waters, and corpses, in which Fabian claims is "too far." Brennan asks someone in the party to make a layer roll to see how chaotic the next round would be, to which Murph immediately rolls and gets a very low number before anyone even processes anything. This causes everyone to make a dex save, causing Adaine, Fabian, Kristen, and Riz to take 11 bludgeoning damage and 5 points of fire damage, Gorgug taking 2 points of bludgeoning and 5 of fire, and Fig taking 5 points of bludgeoning. Bill steers the ship upside-down, making cargo to break and explode and causing the previously mentioned damage, and setting the ship for the fiery skies above. Alistair leaps at Fabian and hits, both understandably upset about their last interaction. Sandra Lynn asks Fabian if she should attack his dad, which makes the party erupt in confusion until Fabian decides that he probably won't kill anymore of them. Sandra Lynn confirms that Kristen can save Gilear, then swan dives off of the Goldenrod, shooting a missile out of the sky. Tracker creates a Twilit Sanctuary around part of the group with her holy symbol.
Suddenly, a Dimension Door appears on the ship with Vraz the Mean, Lorzug the Impaled, and Kaistrana the Chained walking out and Vraz attempts to arrest Bill Seacaster, causing the four of them to fight. Vraz orders Fig to return the stolen objects back to The Bottomless Pit, to which Fig tells her to eat her ass, causing Vraz to step away from the fight and nullify all warlock patron-ships with Gorthalax. This miraculously causes Johnny Spells and six of his goons to appear. The threaten Fabian with a dance fight, which he begrudgingly accepts. Fabian semi-casually confronts a conflicted Hangman by telling him that he enslaved him. Fabian and Johnny make opposed intimidate checks to corral The Hangman, Fabian easily succeeding. The Hangman slams one of Johnny Spells' Gang, Fabian striking Alistair twice, badly injuring him. Johnny spells hits Fabian with 20 fire damage.
Johnny Spells' Gang tries to hit Fig and Riz, but to no avail. They also try to hit Ragh and The Hangman, managing to hit Ragh. Adaine casts Arcane Hand to throw Johnny off 45 feet on the starboard side (right side when looking forward), doing so with a portent roll. This leaves six remaining greasers. Fabian and Adaine gain 1 and 5 temp hit points from Twilit Sanctuary respectively at the start of their turns. Riz tries to shoot one of the greasers, misses, and hides with a Nat 20. Kristen makes a religion check on the items being loaded into the cannons, learning that Bill uses the theft of holy artifacts as a payment in his MLM. She revivifies Gilears to 1 HP, failing to hide Gilear before Bill tosses him a glowing sword and tells him to join the fight. Bill says that he just wants his wife to be happy and is fine with her enjoying Gilear's company. Ragh gores two greasers and tosses them over the ship. Gorgug goes into a rage, attacks the greasers next to Riz and hits twice with a frenzy, killing one. Fig unleashes a Psionic Blast on the remaining two greasers and kills them instantly with the power of her new prowess as an archdevil. "Baby" turns invisible.
At the end of Fig's turn, right as all of the greasers are dealt with, from the teleportation missile, Penelope Everpetal appears in her prom dress with jagged pieces of silver stabbed into her head to form a crown, with four horrible looking scarecrow men in front seemingly at her command, as the twisted corpses of Coach Daybreak and Dayne Blayde. The Bad Kids immediately chastise Daybreak. Fig, Riz, Kristen, and Gorgug gain retroactive temp hit points from the Twilit Sanctuary that they would've earned on their turns. Dayne rushes Adaine and misses due to her casting Shield. Daybreak very homophobically charges Tracker with a now silver-plated halberd and hits twice. Ayda rushes to Fig and tells her that she told everyone that they kissed, making sure that she was okay. She casts Protection of Evil and Good on Fig, confirming that she knows Fig is strong and can handle herself, but just likes her too much to not worry. Ayda then flies into the sky to help Sandra Lynn with abjurative wards around the place, protecting everyone from incoming attacks.
Bill continues to fight the devils of the court at the helm, Murph rolling another low number for the layer roll, causing another dex save attempt, causing everyone to go prone. Alistair makes multiple attacks against Fabian, bringing him down to 16 hit points after a bit more than one round of combat. Tracker casts Beacon of Hope, meaning all healing is maxed out within that area and gives everyone advantage on WIS saving throws. Vraz and Lorzug attack Bill, effectively doing nothing to each other. Kaistrana whips a chain out to Johnny who is still falling, who succeeds at grabbing it. The scarecrow Harvestmen rush to Tracker, getting her pretty low on hit points. Fabian spins Alistair with his sheet knocking him prone, The Hangman running him down, Fabian using Fandrangor and eviscerates Alistair, causing his soul to appear in a bottle on Bill's side. Bill tears up with his good eye watching his son succeed so greatly in combat. Fabian gains 6 temp hit points. Johnny spends his turn getting back onto the ship. Adaine gains 6 temp hit points uses her Forceful Hand as a bonus action to throw Johnny off again, but he saves. Adaine then casts Lightning Bolt on Dayne and Penelope despite a counterspell attempt from the latter. Dayne fails his dex save, kills a Harvestman, but Penelope is saved by her abjurative globe.
Daybreak takes a legendary action and has Dayne take a swing at Fabian and misses, Fabian ripostes and hits Dayne for 16 damage. He then says the now iconic line "Toxic masculinity is dead. I dance now!", causing Daybreak to continue to whine to his little bigoted self. Gilear hides in the sarcophagus. Riz gains 4 temp hit points and shoots Dayne from hiding for 37 damage, successfully hiding once more. Daybreak takes another legendary action to frighten Fabian, which obviously fails because he's wearing Bill's eyepatch. Kristen makes a Nat 20 insight check on Daybreak and learns that he is not a devil, but a soul powerful enough to fight alongside them. His punishment is to never figure out why he's here. She then casts Destructive Wave. This kills every Harvestman, knocks Dayne on his ass, but Daybreak stays up and fighting. He however is effected by a bit of gay spit, causing him to unwillingly say "Love wins!". Ragh charges Dayne proclaiming how much he fucked him up, critically hitting Dayne for 32 damage. Gorgug walks up to Dayne and hits him twice to finish him via decapitation.
Fig sends an invisible Baby to steal something from Vraz, getting an unknown document scrap. She fails to hit Daybreak, but does cast Healing Word on Fabian, bringing him to 43. She gains 8 temp hit points. Penelope steps forward and casts Cone of Cold, completely eviscerating Bill's crew and deals 40 damage to those who failed the constitution save (Gorgug, Kristen) and 20 damage to those who saved (Fig, Fabian, Adaine). This leaves Fig at 43, Gorgug at 80, Adaine at 36, Fabian at 23, Kristen at 31, and Riz at 15. Boggy is dead and The Hangman is downed. Tracker drops, causing the Twilit Sanctuary and Beacon of Hope to dispel. Daybreak goes for Kristen and deals 27 damage to her. Ayda flies down at the sight of chaos, destroying the globe around Penelope.
New layer roll, Murph rolls a 19! The ship plunges through the fiery layer above, into the city of Dis. Tracker makes a death save, succeeding on a 13. Sandra Lynn smashes back into the ship, casting Cure Wounds onto Tracker and bringing her back up. Fabian jumps over difficult terrain to close with Penelope, slashes at her and sends her against the edge of the ship, taking his second attack to kick her over the other side. Daybreak takes a legendary action to swing at Kristen, hitting her and somehow bringing her down to 15 (weird temp hit point stuff got confusing, who knows how to do math anyways). Adaine tries to throw Daybreak off, however he uses Indomitable over her portent roll and ends up succeeding. She then casts a fourth level Chromatic Orb, Brennan drinks his dice, the spell attack hits and deals 18 damage. Daybreak swings at Kristen again, bringing her to 3. Riz shoots him and deals 32 damage. On his last legendary action, Coach Daybreak downs Kristen. She rolls her first death save, failing. Ragh slams into Daybreak for 12 damage.
Gorgug runs over to Daybreak and does a Reckless Attack, hitting three times and dealing 50 damage total. Fig brings up Kristen with a Healing Word for 16 hit points, then making an attack with advantage and booming blade and dealing 17 damage for now. Penelope Misty Steps back onto the ship and casts Firebolt on Fabian for 19 damage, bringing him down to 4. Daybreak continues to swing, missing with his first but hitting with the second, dealing 8 points of damage. Ayda flies toward the ship, teleporting many times per second and slashing with her talons, dealing 28 damage to both Daybreak and Penelope. Riz is blasted off into the city via cannon, nearly killing him. Murph rolls another layer action, getting a 16. Riz appears in a familiar room near the dark hallway he encountered before the room where his dad was being held. He starts moving towards the door. Tracker yells for everyone to look away as she 69's Kristen to heal her for 13 hit points. Sandra Lynn shoots Daybreak with her bow. Fabian blinds her briefly with a quick flash of his sheet, catches her off guard and spins her off the ship, her bursting into silvery motes of light. Bill takes a legendary action to congratulate his son, to which Fabian tells him he doesn't live in his shadow anymore, and he's congratulated once again.
Johnny Spells gets razzed by the group after trying to be cool and immediately gets counterspelled by Adaine before we even know what he does. Adaine attempts to throw Daybreak off of the ship again, Daybreak getting a Nat 20 to succeed. He is then hit with another fourth level Chromatic Orb, taking 27 damage. He tries to hit Kristen again and fails. Riz investigates and finds the door, as well as another one ajar that lets him see through to the interrogation room. There are no illusions present here. He attempts to stealthily open the door to see his father, but a pit fiend is standing right over his dad. We do not know if he succeeded or not yet. Kristen casts Dimension Door away from Daybreak with Tracker, casting Mass Healing Word for 14 on the Bad Kids minus Riz and Gorgug, healing Tracker instead. Ragh exclaims how shitty Daybreak was for forcing his religion on the Bloodrush team, getting more closure than a lot of people would get and attacks Daybreak. Gorgug does another Reckless Attack at Daybreak and hits thrice again, dealing another 48 damage, truly on his last legs. He crits on hitting Gorgug, only dealing 11. Fig casts Psionic Blast again, sending him flying back and killing him before he can even fall. Baby attempts to steal from Vraz again, failing.
Ayda says she finds watching Fig fight attractive, the group chastises Kristen and Tracker for 69ing on the battlefield. She then casts Clairvoyance and directs the party to the building where Riz is. Murph initially rolls a Nat 1 on the layer check due to the lack of cheering from the table, but Fig spends her last luck point to reroll it. He gets a two instead, even with cheering. Everyone (bar Rizz) makes strength/dex saves, grasping onto the ship for dear life as the gravity begins to shift. Johnny Spells is sent flying off of the ship. Bill gains a maniacal smile, stating that Fabian is indeed his own man, and therefore can be the helm of the Goldenrod. He jumps, lets the gravity change, and all of the devils grappling him fly off of the ship with him. Fabian directs Kalvaxus to flip back over. Adaine attempts to grab Bill with the Forceful Hand, but only manages to pull him away from one of them. Gorgug gives his spring boots to Fig and proceeds to throw her in order to get her up to Bill to cast Dimension Door. She does so, in addition to finally stealing a scroll off of Vraz.
Combat ends! But Riz is still in danger. The Pit Fiend, with a barbed devil henchmen at each side, splashes acid onto Pok and prodding at him to confess his sins. Pok states that he's killed people, he's lied, he did what he had to do and has nothing to apologize for. The Pit Fiend tells him that that simply isn't how things work here, asking him if he regrets anything. Pok looks up, eye swollen, claiming that he regrets nothing. The Pit Fiend asks again, also asking if there's nothing in the mortal world he misses. Pok says "I miss my job, I miss the hunt, I miss... I miss the mission." The Pit Fiend chuckles, confirming with a question that Pok misses nothing else, that he doesn't regret not having seen something. Pok only looks confused, asking what else he could miss. The Pit Fiend states that he may miss his friends and family, to which Pok asks "Is that why I'm here? Did I not treat them right?" The Pit Fiend asks if Pok regretted dying, if he regretted not seeing his son's life. Before he can answer, Rizz rolls an insight check with disadvantage, getting a 13 and gaining nothing. Pok looks up and goes, "I don't... I don't miss... I don't know what to tell you... I don't know what to tell you. You get married, you have a kid, it's what you do. Makes me a fucking monster that I don't give a shit? Does it make a fucking monster that, I don't know... wife constantly nagging at you, 'be a better father, be around more'? He's a kid. She wanted one. The fuck do you want me to say? Fuck off. I did what I had to do." And he snarls.
The Pit Fiend smiles, saying that "This one has promise. Do not create a lemure from his soul. We will keep this one as is." The Pit Fiend turns around as the Barbed devils whip Pok with thorned rope, sending Pok unconscious. He says "Why am I here? Why am I here?" as he coughs up blood, the devils leaving the room stating that Bill Seacaster is here, possibly calling for backup. Riz Misty Steps into the room, going up to his unconscious father. Murph has Riz roll a wisdom save to see if he can detect if Pok is acting strange, getting a Nat 20. He tries to wake up Pok, feeling conflicted, putting him into the Briefcase of Holding. But before he can, the two barbed devils open the door and see Riz. Riz makes an athletics roll, gets a Nat 1, and enters the restrained condition as they both stop him from getting Pok. He tries again, rolling an 8 on a perception check, realizing his gun is gone. Both devils heads get blown off by Pok. Pok calls for backup, sending a halo around his head and a beam of celestial light smashing through the ceiling. Riz realizes his father is an undercover angel, both of them presumably shooting through it.
Featured Characters[]
The Bad Kids[]
- Hallariel Seacaster
- Kalina
- Chungledown Bim
- Captain James Whitclaw
- Jawbone O'Shaughnessey
- Sklonda Gukgak
"Hi Daybreak, it's so great to see you. I've been praying for you!" ― Kristen to Coach Daybreak