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Dimension 20 Wiki

"Hello, little children, and welcome, one and all. If it's a game you want, then a game you shall have." ― Bosartia to Pinocchio and the children of Amanti

Bosartia[1], also known as The Wicked Fairy, is the fairy that cursed Princess Rosamund du Prix and is the catalyst in Pinocchio's story.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Bosartia


The Wicked Fairy is a beautiful woman clad in black, frayed like spiderwebs, her face is pointed with wide eyes. She leans on a tall staff for support. After gazing upon the true form of The Stepmother, the Wicked Fairy tore her own eyes out to stop seeing her. Bosartia smells of petrichor and iron, as well as a deep, musky hollow, the rot of an ancient log in the forest, something rich and unpleasant.

When returning to Sleeping Beauty during the Baba Yaga's trials, the Wicked Fairy appears more moth-like, with a face closer to a moth's than a human's, fuzzy insectile antenna, compound eyes, and a wider, more moth-like body.


Scorned after not receiving an invitation to the christening of Princess Rosamund du Prix, the Wicked Fairy cursed the princess to die on her eighteenth birthday after pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. The curse was altered by the only fairy who had not yet given Rosamund a gift, to instead simply have her fall asleep for one hundred years and be awoken by a true love's kiss.

Later, the Wicked Fairy came to the village of Amanti. She told the children in the town square that they could play with a white, glowing ball after telling her the names of their fathers. Whenever a name was given, a scream was heard as the fathers died. Pinocchio, in an attempt to save his father, gave the wrong name, which counted as a lie, ending Turquina's blessing and turning Pinocchio back into a puppet.


Trouble in Tuffeton[]

The Wicked Fairy sent two scouts in the form of Twig Demons to investigate the sudden stop of rain in Tuffeton. The Wicked Fairy was quickly contacted by her scouts via a magic candle about seeing Mother Timothy Goose try to rewrite Pinocchio's story in his book, causing the rain to come back. Recognizing Pinocchio, she told them to wait till Timothy was alone, kill him, and take his book.

After disposing of the demons, the party went up to their room to find the fairy's candle. Pinocchio contacts his patron through lighting the candle, The Stepmother, who did not wish to be summoned. The fairy appears in the flame of the candle, as it belongs to her. Gerard tosses Pinocchio The Sword of Veritas, which while spinning through the air, reflects the light of the candle, illuminating the face of The Stepmother. The Wicked Fairy is the first in the room to recognize what she is seeing, the true form of The Stepmother, she screams so hard in pure terror that her throat rips with blood frothing at the edges of her mouth. Rather than continue to see what she is seeing, The Wicked Fairy tears her own eyes from her head and the candle extinguishes.

The Trials of Baba Yaga[]

Bosartia appears to Rosamund as she is carrying out her chore for Baba Yaga. As Rosamund is trying to help the dying Prince Jonathan who has been caught in Sleeping Beauty's enchanted briar patch, the "good" fairies reveal themselves to her. After trying and failing to convince the princess to help them set her "story to right," the Wicked Fairy makes herself known. She says that it is Rosamund who is allowing the prince to die, and, if she wants to save him, she needs to accept her destiny. She then challenges Rosamund as to why she feels she is worthy of her "happily ever after" without the sorrows of her story. Rosamund replies Jonathan doesn't get to "win" her love simply because he was able to make it through a briar patch. Love isn't a final outcome. It's something that is chosen and built over time. Frustrated with her answer, the Wicked Fairy causes the briars to tighten their hold over the dying prince. Then Rosamund accuses Bosartia of only being evil to make the other fairies look good, and asks how they are different from each other. When Rosamund ultimately makes the choice to give up the hope of being with her Prince Charming, and be alone instead, she, along with the rest of the fairies present, scatter.


The Wicked Fairy is briefly seen by Destiny's Children when they enter Pinocchio's Book, who is asking the children of Amanti for their fathers' names so she can kill them. They watch Pinocchio give the wrong name to try and save his father's life then die himself.

The Ending of All Things (Part 1)[]

When nearly all the Princesses are either gone or switched sides, Rosamund is able to feel that a force outside of the room is coming. It is then that the Fairies show up at the Canonade.

The Ending of All Things (Part 2)[]

After attacking Mira into unconsciousness, the Wicked Fairy taunts Rosamund that she wishes their story had turned out her way. When Rosamund responds that the story doesn't need to turn out the way Bosartia believes it's "supposed" to be, the fairy becomes very rattled at the implication. Later on, Rosamund asks the Bosartia if she really wants to be villian forever, to which the Wicked Fairy replies that it doesn't matter against the will of the, now present Authors. She then asks the princess if she's willing to throw away "happily ever after" in order to fight them. Rosamund simply replies, "Yes. Because 'happily ever after' isn't real."

Later on, after his defeat of the Fairy Godmother, the Wicked Fairy asks Gerard if he really wants to spend the rest of his existence as a frog. He defiantly replies that he is can eat birds now, which is a big deal for him, as he had previously been scared of them. With that, having previously gotten the storybook of Sleeping Beauty, Gerard is able to suck her into its pages. At the end of the fight, Bosartia and the Fairy Godmother exit Sleeping Beauty's Book to collect the bodies of their sister fairies.


After the Rewrite Bosartia still curses Rosamund and appears to her on her eighteenth birthday, but instead Rosamund begins to ask questions about the spinning wheel since she had decided to not be afraid and learn how to use them. The Wicked Fairy, confused, lunges at Rosamund to try to put her to sleep. Rosamund and Bosartia fight, the fairy loses and gets her spindle stolen by Rosamund.


  • Bosartia's name wasn't revealed until the Neverafter mini auction.[1]
  • Her mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 Neverafter Auction for $1501.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Web. Archived 4 Dec 2023. auction.dropout.tv. Bosartia, the Wicked Fairy.
Neverafter Characters
Player Characters Princess Rosamund du Prix | Pinocchio
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh | Puss in Boots
Mother Timothy Goose | Ylfa Snorgelsson
PC Families Mother Snorgelsson | Ylfa Jottensdottir
Princess Elody of Greenleigh | Geppetto
Henry Hubbard | Jack Hubbard-Goose
PC Stories Tomas | Ricard | Marco | Alphonse the Mule
The Woodsman | Big Bad Wolf | Candlewick | Cricket
Il Terribile Pescecane | Prince Jonathan of Apogee
The Chandling
Boffit | Old King Cole | The Red Hen
Herr Drosselmyer | Eidelgrin | Senator
Lord Bandlebridge | Stephan | Magic Mirror
Elegy Donal | Fairy Godmother's Minions
Other Cressida Lumley
The Lullaby Lands Dish | Spoon | Pete the Cow | Itsy Bitsy Spider
Little Miss Muffet | Mayor Harold Hopps
The Endless Nights Scheherazade | Sinbad
Snowhold The Snow Queen | Koschei the Deathless | Baba Yaga
The Council
of Kings
The Baron of Bricks | The Mer-King | The Naked Emperor
The Tzar of Snowhold | The Mouse King | The King of Apogee
Tiny Humans Thumbelina | Tom Thumb | Jack, the Giant-Killer
Other Mürrisch, Schläfrig & Arzt | The Sword of Veritas
Alba Mac Lir | Flat William
The Fairies Nara | Bella | Nura | Anma | Hilda | Turquina
The Wicked Fairy | Fairy Godmother
The Princesses Cinderella | Snow White
Rapunzel | Mira | La Bête
Miscellaneous Beaky | The Authors | The Stepmother | Fox and Rabbit | The Gander
Aesop | The Golden Goose | Pinocchi-Crow | Key & Legend