"I'M A LITTLE BOY!" ― Candlewick
Candlewick was a little boy and old friend of Pinocchio that refused or was unable to leave Toy Island even as he grew to adulthood.
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Candlewick is a full grown man with a wild matted beard. He has long, ragged, uncut fingernails and toenails as well as soft, rotted teeth. He wears a little boy's sailor outfit that is so small on him that it cuts into his skin. He believes himself to be a little boy, and that time has not progressed beyond five days.
Candlewick was an old friend of Pinocchio's. In Pinocchio's story, when Pinocchio had been going to school for almost a full year and was one day away from becoming a real boy, Candlewick convinced him to leave and escape to Toy Island, where there was endless fun and no rules. Since then (possibly twenty-five years later), Candlewick has grown into an adult man, and is eating a lot of hot dogs. Those hot dogs are made of donkey meat, which, in turn, is taken from other transformed little boys (technically making Candlewick a cannibal).
Candlewick attempts to catch Pinocchio to eat him before he realises that they're old friends and Pinocchio is wooden and inedible. He then reveals where the Princess Mira has been hanging out on Toy Island. Pinocchio attempts to introduce him to the party by telling him they are also made of wood and turning him invisible. However Candlewick clubs Gerard over the head with a club, and is grappled by Rosamund and knocked out by Ylfa in response. Pinocchio and the party decide to absorb Candlewick into Timothy's book. However, Pinocchio's book lights up when Timothy's is put near Candlewick, and he is absorbed into Pinocchio's story where a picture is seen of him as a boy playing with Pinocchio. This makes one of Pinocchio's strings, connected to the book, very taut, indicating something that happened in his story will happen to Pinocchio in the outside world.