Chesca Ord'ur'cron is a senior and a member of the student government at Astral State University when the Bad Kids visit.
She is double majoring in History of Interplanar Culture and Culture Across Infinite Distances and Time, specifically with a focus on Gender Studies. She is on track to do her post-grad at ASU in Destiny Studies.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Chesca |
Live shows |
Chesca wears a thick hoodie. She has a bunch of nose piercings, a neck tattoo, tattoos on her hands and has ioun stones floating around her head. Her haircut is a ring of hair and shaved on top. But then also two long strands of hair growing from where sideburns would be.
College Visit[]
Chesca is talking to Prof. Womlingbuzz as the Bad Kids visit ASU. She walks up and talks to them for a while.