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This article is about Queen Saccharina's dragon from A Crown of Candy, Cinnamon (A Crown of Candy).
For the article about Katja Cleaver's horse from The Seven, see Cinnamon (The Seven).
Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 15 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

Cinnamon, also known as Dracoria Azucar, is a dragon whose egg was held in the Ice Cream Temple. He was hatched by and now belongs to Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Cinnamon
A Crown of Candy
Time Quangle



Encounter in the Ice Cream Temple[]

During the battle against The Sugar-Plum Fairy in the Ice Cream Temple, Cinnamon was hatched from his egg by Queen Saccharina after she cast Create Bonfire spell to hatch him. Saccharina assumed ownership over Cinnamon as a result of hatching him.

Cinnamon immediately viewed Saccharina as his mother and was affectionate towards her upon his hatching. He initially stayed attached to Saccharina's side by wrapping his body around her shoulder. He was protective over Saccharina as seen when he growled at Princess Ruby Rocks when she approached Saccharina after the battle at the Ice Cream Temple.

The Two Balls[]

Cinnamon joined Saccharina and her marauders to raid a village that was now occupied by only Bulbian crusaders, loyalists, and priests. After Saccharina and Jon Bon took a letter from Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica from a Bulbian priest's possession, Cinnamon began to growl upon seeing the priest's holy symbol. Cinnamon then began to train his eyes upon the Bulbian priest's heart. Saccharina reluctantly permitted Cinammon to attack the Bulbian priest and Cinnamon started to tear into the priest's throat before devouring his heart. After Cinnamon finished devouring the Bulbian priest's heart, his size slightly increased. Saccharina reluctantly allowed Cinnamon to consume the deceased bodies of the Bulbian clergy in the village.

Skills & Abilities[]

Cinnamon appears to have the same statistics as a Young Red Dragon, with possible changes to alignment.

  • AC: 18
  • Speed: 40 ft
    • Fly speed: 80 ft
  • Actions:
    • Multiattack – one Bite attack and two Claw attacks
    • Fire Breath: The Dragon exhales fire in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC ___ Dexterity saving throw, taking 16d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Recharge on a landed 5 or 6 on a d6.


  • The mini for his small form was sold at the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy auction for $1,500
  • The mini for his egg was sold at the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy auction for $1,211
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts