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The City Hall Subway Station is an old, unused subway station in New York City.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring City Hall Station
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II


The station is decorated with beautiful tile work and arches in an art deco style. The MTA booth is empty. Down by the tracks, there are no light sources, but everything is illuminated by the sunlight reflecting off the white tiles and marble. The station is older and only one side of the tracks has a platform-- on the other side is a wall with a burrow-like opening in it about six and a half feet in diameter. It's caked with items of all kinds like a glittering children's top, a gilded portrait frame, a model airplane, a puppet, a golden candelabra, and more.

Down the tunnel is a chamber that is a World War II-era automat, with the walls lined with fresh food behind little glass doors. The food comes from the other side of a little metal flap, which appears to be a portal to a different time and place. Behind the flap of a door with steaming apple pie and fresh milk is in a bottle that is decades old is a Dutch homestead in a grassy field. Also in this room are rows of gold and ruby-encrusted revolutionary war-era cannons, and an enormous 14 foot long golden boom box that plays old school hip-hop from the 70s and 80s, like Grandmaster Flash. The floor is littered with subway tokens that pile up in the corners.

At the end of another burrow tunnel branching off the room is a huge domed chamber. The ceiling is decorated with clouds and the celestial heights, the walls with gilded columns, and in the center of the room is a subway car resting suspended on top of an enormous mountain of subway tokens. The car seems to be studded with gems and is labeled with the letter X, for which there is no real subway line.

The Dragon's Hoard[]

Along with all of items and rooms listed above The Great Dragon of Bleecker Street's hoard also features some key items which are:

Item Acquired from Details
A Time Stone The Clock Gnomes of Grand Central Terminal A perfectly cut gemstone that draws on the power of a specific time and that time being observed, used to power incredible spells of enormous magnitude. The time this Time Stone gains power from is unknown. Given to the Dragon for protecting the Clock Gnomes throughout the years.
Peter Stuyvesant's Wooden Leg Unknown-Originally

Kingston Brown-Memory Item

Peter Stuyvesant's wooden leg, originally stolen by Holly Branch. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through the memory of when it was stolen by The Dream Team.
Marian Brown's Wedding Bouquet Unknown-Originally

Ricky Matsui-Memory Item

Marian Brown's bouquet from her wedding, somehow ended up as part of the Dragon's hoard. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through the memory of Marian's wedding by The Dream Team.
Jackson Wei's Baseball Unknown-Originally

Cody Walsh-Memory Item

Jackson Wei's baseball from when he was a child, somehow ended up as part of the Dragon's hoard. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through a memory of Jackson's childhood by The Dream Team.
Giancarlo Bicicleta's Finger Cymbal Unknown-Originally

Pete Conlan-Memory Item

A finger cymbal belonging to Giancarlo Bicicleta, which was played by his monkey, somehow ended up as part of the Dragon's hoard. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through the memory of Giancarlo playing his organ grinder with his monkey by The Dream Team.
Margaret McConnel's Fae Coin Unknown-Originally

Pete Conlan-Memory Item

A fae coin belonging to Margaret McConnel, somehow ended up as part of the Dragon's hoard. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through the memory of Margaret and her family leaving a steam ship to come to New York by The Dream Team.
A Piece of Ticker Tape Unknown-Originally

Pete Conlan-Memory Item

A piece of ticker tape from a ticker tape parade, somehow ended up as part of the Dragon's hoard. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through the memory of Alejandro and Maria Ortiz celebrating at a ticker tape parade by The Dream Team.
A Candle Unknown-Originally

Kingston Brown-Memory Item

A candle belonging to a 1800s tenement family of seamstress like tailors, somehow ended up as part of the Dragon's hoard. One of the items that The Dream Team needed to retrieve to complete the Dragon's hoard. Erased by Null, but brought back through the memory of the family celebrating Hanukkah together by The Dream Team.



  • The City Hall Station was discontinued from passenger service in 1945 as it proved inefficient with the increase of subway train cars beyond the five car maximum that the station could accommodate. Its proximity to the Brooklyn Bridge station also contributed, though it is still used today as a turning loop.
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II Locations
New York City
The Bronx, the First Borough Monastery of the Sacred Rat | 53\/3N's Place
Brooklyn, the Second Borough Clinton Hill Chantry | Helping Hands Homeless Outreach Center | Greenpoint | Greenwood Cemetery | Lorimer Street Station | Coop Village | Crown Heights
Manhattan, the Third Borough City Hall Station | Harlem | Uncommon Knowledge | Madame Anastasia's | Cosmo's | St. Owen's Hospital | Holland Tunnel | Macy's Parade | Grand Central Terminal | Chinatown
Queens, the Fourth Borough Queens Center Mall | Astoria | Neptune's Diner | Fairyland |
Staten Island, the Fifth Borough Spaghetti's Bakery | Monastery of the Midnight Sun
Other Ellis Island
Nod, the Sixth Borough Metropolitan Museum of Memories
Other Lisowski Chest | Faerie