Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 17 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

Comida is a city in Fructera that serves as the capital city of Calorum.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Comida
A Crown of Candy
The Ravening War


As the capital of Calorum, in addition to being located in the trade-rich nation of Fructera, Comida is an enormous center of diverse culture and commerce. It is positioned at the intersection of as many countries as possible. Comida is home to the Great Pyramid of Food, where Concordant Emperor, Gustavo Uvano, resides.

It is made up of golden spires of grain and leafy cathedrals towering over the city skyline. The city is filled with massive buildings and statues of the heroes of the empire.



As Gustavo Uvano was chosen to become the first Concordant Emperor through the creation of the Concord in the aftermath of the Ravening War, he had the privilege of placing the capital within his country.


  • In the first episode of A Crown of Candy, as well as on the officially released map, the banner for Comida appears differently (see bottom image above) than it does in every other episode (see top image above). The reason for this is unknown, but most likely as it crudely resembles a vagina.
  • Although pronounced differently, "comida" is the Spanish word for "food".
  • This "mispronunciation" comes from the idea that the varying geographical inspirations for each nation and nations' own regional dialects have an influence over the evolution of linguistics within Calorum. It's similar to how modern English "borrows" words from other languages, but often bastardizes the pronunciation.
  • At the party arrival in Comida (in Keep Sharp ), during the description of the city the background music is the national anthem of Italy, "Il Canto degli Italiani" (Italian pronunciation: [il ˈkanto deʎʎ itaˈljaːni]; "The Song of the Italians", also called Fratelli d'Italia ([fraˈtɛlli diˈtaːlja], "Brothers of Italy")
A Crown of Candy & The Ravening War Locations
Country Cities & Towns Geography Infrastructure
BannerCandia-0Candia BannerCandia-0 Castle Candy | Dulcington | Castle Manylicks | Buzzybrook | Port Syrup | The Sugarlands | Cookieshire | Gumdrop Pass | Frosting Valley | Gumberly | Muffinfield | Piehole | West Cake | North-Gumbia Great Stone Candy Mountains | Cola River Sucrosi Road | Ice Cream Temple | Lazi Fierce Lingerie | The Mint Drake
BannerUvanoFructera BannerUvano Comida | Uvano Pulp Bay | Yogurt Shoals The Great Pyramid of Food | Cornucopian Hall | Cathedral of Saint Arugula | Glucian Road | Frucian Road
Vegetania BannerVegetaniaVegetania Banner Greenhold | Brightgarden Verduran Forest Pilgrim's Road
Ceresia BannerCeresiaCeresia Banner Pangranos Butter Lake | Sea of Pasta | Great Dunes of Grain Imperial March
BannerDairyThe Dairy IslandsBannerDairy Lacramor Yogurt Shoals | Dairy Sea
Meat Lands BannerThe Meat LandsMeat Lands Banner Carn Chili Sea | Grisilemar | Sangre River
Saprophus Heart of the World Under Hollows