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Description; History

The Confirmation Dais is a magical dais within the Great Hall at Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts. It communicates with students telepathically to sort them into one of the school's four houses.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes featuring the Confirmation Dais
Misfits and Magic




  • The name "Confirmation Dais" is a pun off of the term "confirmation bias", a phenomenon which is defined as "the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values."[1] Gowpenny's sorting system often leads to the faculty developing confirmation bias about the houses.
  • The Confirmation Dais is the Gowpenny version of the Sorting Hat, a hat in the Harry Potter books that sorts children into their school houses.
Misfits and Magic Characters
Player Characters Main Season Dream | Evan Kelmp | Sam Black | Whitney Jammer
Live Show Dangerwolf Darkhawk | Chip n Rip
Andre Henreek | Premium Va-Casians
PC Families and Familiars BooBoo | Dangerwolf's Parents | Evan's Shadow | Janet and Maurice Tanaka | Mordecai | Ravageur | Ron | Sam's Mother | Spalding | Terminator 2 | Theodore | Troxie Darling
Academy of
Arcane Arts
Faculty Headmistress Boudicca Philtrum | Nurse David Stitchnit | The Frunthwinkle | Dr. Norman Boodle | Sausage | Professor Viniscus
Hercinil Digsby Cooper | Fergus Ponst | Khanh Nguyen | Tallulah Jillymont
Aqrabus Penfrew Lairmsbury | Raclette Camembert
Messanteu Sylvie Ecclentripe
Chimeron Anamika | Coggle and Hoggle Undergus | Frink | Jesse | Lemli Irving | Peter
Other Confirmation Dais | Freya | Golden Snitch Kid | Jammer's Coach | Juice Freshman | Roger | Vertiq Alley Shopkeepers
