"You're the one. You're the one that the folk under the hills told us would come. “A child would be born in this new world to the daughter of your daughter's son,” said they. “Charmed and cursed alike shall he be, fair of face and quick of tongue, a shapeshifter and friend of the wind. He will walk between all ways, and his name will be known to him before it is known to any other. He will be a voice to the unspoken and in a city without sleep he will awaken." ― Margaret McConnell to Pete Conlan
The Conlan Ancestors are Pete Conlan's ancestors. They gave him the coin needed to help complete The Great Dragon of Bleecker Street's hoard.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring the Conlan Ancestors |
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
The Conlan Ancestors were Irish immigrants during the mid-1800's. The family consisted of a woman named Margret McConnell, an unnamed man, and an unnamed young boy.
They arrived in the United States in 1847, coming from Ireland. It would appear they had some connection to some Fae, having owned a Faerie coin.
History Checks and Lost Dex[]
After Pete Conlan traveled into one of the photos in the Famine and Diaspora section of Ellis Island, he encounters his ancestors. Margret McConnell looks at Pete with a look of recognition, she asks him if he is the one the Fae under the hills of Ireland spoke of. After he asks for her help she then tells him the prophecy she was told by the Fae. The young boy then gives Pete a gold Faerie coin, that turns into a penny once it's in Pete's hand. Pete then thanks them for what they've done and he leaves the photo.
For the Hoard![]
As The Dream Team are transported to Fairy Land by Cody's piece of the original Fairy Land sign, the Conlan Ancestors wave to Pete as their photo momentarily comes to life.