Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Mystery Sillouette2
This article is about the student from Bram University from Shriek Week, Cubey.
For the article about the anarchist halfling family from Fantasy High, Fantasy High: Sophomore Year, and The Seven, see The Cubbys.

Cubey is a student at Bram University.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Cubey
Shriek Week




Because they are a gelatinous cube, they can appear however they want. Cubey can also consume liquids through whatever part of their body due to their gelatinous state


The Club Fair[]


Tuti IV[]

Tuti IV and Cubey have hooked up once in the past. Cubey had asked what form Tuti wanted them in, and Tuti, flustered and unsure, replied that she liked her in the cube form. This has led to Tuti feeling uncomfortable around Cubey, which Cubey is unaware of. Therefore, Cubey still acts romantically towards Tuti.

Shriek Week Characters
Player Characters Terry Talbo | Megan Mirror | Seven | Tuti IV
PC Families Terry's Parents | The Ring Ghost | Count Von Count
Seven's Mother | The Mummy
Bram University Faculty Hans Dulla | Bram Stoker | Jeeves | Dracula
Students Kevin | Fen | Vander Van Helsing | Mothman | Teddy XIII
Teddy XIV | Asterith | Frank | Cubey | Girish | Drusille
Yui | Rahfee | Jadwiga | Meyalth | Cleetus | Korra
Misc. Teddy Prime | Andromeda | Gloria
