David Kugrich is the oldest son of Bruce Kugrich, better known as Kugrash. He is a lawyer specializing in white-collar crime, and got into the field as a result of his father's actions as a greedy businessman.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring David |
The Unsleeping City
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
The Unsleeping City[]
David has strong feelings about what his father did, and his disappearance. As Kugrash finds out, David has files on all of Kugrash's shady business dealings and wrote a harsh letter to Kugrash, should he ever reappear.
He does eventually accept Kugrash, and helps gather information to defeat Robert Moses.
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II[]
The Fall of New York City[]
Liz Herrera, the DA for the Unsleeping City, mentions that she's working on a case with David to deal with the Faerie Mafia.
- David was mentioned to have been cured of his vampirsm by the end of the first season of The Unsleeping City, Times Squaremageddon Pt. 2. This has since retconned in The Unsleeping City: Chapter II.