"And then there I am a man talking to a man, but I'm a mouse and he's really a bucket. It'll drive you mad if you think about it!" ― Donal to Princess Rosamund du Prix
Donal is one of the talking mice found in Cinderella's house in Elegy, outside of The Blackwood Forest.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Donal |
He is a very frazzled mouse.
In the past Donal was just an ordinary mouse, before a fairy turned his friends into human servants. This was a horrifying change for them, as they just had to act like they knew how to hold conversations or move on two legs. The transformation back was equally troubling. Luckily, Donal was fast enough to escape. He witnessed the Stepmother go into a room with her daughters, who never came out. He also witnessed Cinderella puncture the Fairy Godmother's heart with the heel of her glass slippers.
Role in the Story[]
Donal meets Princess Rosamund du Prix in the Stepmother’s old house, when she opens the cupboards and finds their secret mouse village.