Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki

"Oh, everyone in this room, we are in very real danger." ― Edwina, to Max Griivarr and everyone else in the Handy Andy boardroom after Sundry Sidney gains full free will.

Dr. Edwina Castor is the creator of Sundry Sidney and former R&D Technician at Handy Andi Android Manufacturers.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Edwina
A Starstruck Odyssey


Dr. Edwina Castor is an older former R&D Technician for Handy Andi Android Manufacturers.



On the Run in the Martini Nebula[]

After Gnosis asks Sundry Sidney if she would like help she is shown the current location of Edwina: Hon Ober in the Griivarr Worlds. It is also revealed that Edwina was fired from Handy Andi Android Manufacturers and that she took a settlement from Living Doll Cybernetics.


  • Her favorite drinks are White Russians and Mojitos.
A Starstruck Odyssey Characters
Player Characters Skip | Riva | Sundry Sidney | Big Barry Syx | Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax | Margaret Encino
United Free Trade Planets Lucienne Rex | Damien Factor | Higgs | Agent Oscars | Phil | Slim | Veep 909
Crown and Scepter, Ltd. Natalia Cicero Connie Lee Carter Bajar
Incorporated Elysian Republic Dread Dictator
Griivarr Family Handy Andi Android Manufacturers | Max Griivarr | B.O.B. Griivarr | Auma Liu
Acme Ashmun Dora Valentine | Ross | Cornelius Ashmun
Other Living Doll | Troikani Partners Board | Repo Reapers
Other Americadia Analinda Weatherall | Gust Weatherall | Brutus
Aguatunisia Cool Water of the Shaded Reef | Rising Bubbles from a Deep Volcanic Vent Many Fathoms Below Us
Cerebroslugs King Prilbus | Chamberlain Drablian | Seneschal Vrong
The Wurst Handy Annie | SQ | Raymond Zam | Autumn | Aurora Nebbins | Bambi Leroux | Galactic Girl Guides
Rec Station 97 Hyacinth Khrome | Salazar | Mona Medina | Zvoon | Mae | Myalor Nabthacks
Rubian V Princeps Zortch | Gnosis | Xhirhaus
New Texas Chesters | Lamelia Lefarve | Plug Strutt | Sheriff Warner Codge | Crunch Moon-Jones | Loose Duke
The Griivarr Worlds Ronnie Kwan | Dr. Edwina Castor | The Junkmother | Servo Sam | Sunlight Sparkling through the Upper Waters | Fantanimals | Jeremy
The U4F Ife Amari-Reyes | Captain Jan De La Vega | Needles | Captain Dan Scrap
Other Spacers Hogg Cobb | Shawna Waters | Kilogram Demitrius | Krang Voltro | Jasmine and Estrea Martinez
Misc Dr. Barry Bohunk | Barry Battalion | Barry Nyne | Sister Mildred of the Cosmic Veil | Professor Erwin Rashbax | Dr. Jeffrey Miggles | Warfare Whitney | Jimmy the Snout | Plinth | Sadie Zeb | Zeke Donaldson Quark | Chip Hatwell | Doc