"Oh, everyone in this room, we are in very real danger." ― Edwina, to Max Griivarr and everyone else in the Handy Andy boardroom after Sundry Sidney gains full free will.
Dr. Edwina Castor is the creator of Sundry Sidney and former R&D Technician at Handy Andi Android Manufacturers.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Edwina |
A Starstruck Odyssey
Dr. Edwina Castor is an older former R&D Technician for Handy Andi Android Manufacturers.
On the Run in the Martini Nebula[]
After Gnosis asks Sundry Sidney if she would like help she is shown the current location of Edwina: Hon Ober in the Griivarr Worlds. It is also revealed that Edwina was fired from Handy Andi Android Manufacturers and that she took a settlement from Living Doll Cybernetics.
- Her favorite drinks are White Russians and Mojitos.