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Dimension 20 Wiki

Dulcington is a township located just outside of Castle Candy. It is home to approximately 800 people.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Dulcington
A Crown of Candy


Across the rolling hills of the estate of Castle Candy and over a bridge lies the small, bustling town of Dulcington. The town contains a public house called the Mint Drake, as well as a tasteful lingerie shop that sells edible, tear-away underwear, by the name Lazi Fierce Lingerie.

It lies on the banks of the Cola River and is accessible from the grounds of Castle Candy by two bridges, one of which carries travelers down the Sucrosi Road and out of Candia.


There is Strength in Sweetness[]

Dulcington is first mentioned as Sir Toby approaches Sir Theobald Gumbar about rumors of orc attacks.

Later that day, it is discovered that the Princesses Jet and Ruby have abandoned their studies and fled to Dulcington, which they often do. Along the way, Jet uses a book strap full of illegal books to attack and destroy anything depicted the royal crest, and she tosses a gemstone to a nearby peasant carrying cola. He's not surprised to see that they've run away from the castle again, and blandly comments that he'll be adding the gem to his gem pile when he gets home.

When they arrive in town, they meet with Cirinda, an Imperial courier who delivers them each something. Princess Ruby receives a poster she found advertising the soon arrival of a travelling band of circus performers, the Traveling Swirler Sisters. Princess Jet receives a letter from Thad, a super sexy avocado from Fructera with whom she's had a romantic (and somewhat sexual) correspondence with since they first met when they were 8 years old. Among his flowery words and praises of her beauty, the letter alludes to an imminent opportunity for them to meet once again in the capital of Comida.

Overhearing the girls talk about a possible road trip to Comida to meet with him, Cirinda asks if they know what kind of caravan or envoy might be travelling out of Candia, but the girls are unsure. Sir Theobald Gumbar and Chancellor Lapin Cadbury soon arrive on the scene (with very helpful direction from Sir Toby's perception) and carry the Princesses out of Dulcington and back to the castle with them.

Dulcington is mentioned several times after as news of the girls' escape spreads, and when the girls plead with their mother, Queen Caramelinda, to let them have a 3-bedroom apartment there now that they're adults. Ignoring the fact that they have an overabundance of room in the castle and that they have no need for a 3rd bedroom, the Queen refuses, citing their trouble-making and running away from their studies as a sign that they are not in fact adults and couldn't be trusted with such a responsibility.

Safe Harbor[]

Blood & Bread[]


  • Its name is a reference to the Spanish word "dulce", meaning "candy" or "sweet".
A Crown of Candy & The Ravening War Locations
Country Cities & Towns Geography Infrastructure
BannerCandia-0Candia BannerCandia-0 Castle Candy | Dulcington | Castle Manylicks | Buzzybrook | Port Syrup | The Sugarlands | Cookieshire | Gumdrop Pass | Frosting Valley | Gumberly | Muffinfield | Piehole | West Cake | North-Gumbia Great Stone Candy Mountains | Cola River Sucrosi Road | Ice Cream Temple | Lazi Fierce Lingerie | The Mint Drake
BannerUvanoFructera BannerUvano Comida | Uvano Pulp Bay | Yogurt Shoals The Great Pyramid of Food | Cornucopian Hall | Cathedral of Saint Arugula | Glucian Road | Frucian Road
Vegetania BannerVegetaniaVegetania Banner Greenhold | Brightgarden Verduran Forest Pilgrim's Road
Ceresia BannerCeresiaCeresia Banner Pangranos Butter Lake | Sea of Pasta | Great Dunes of Grain Imperial March
BannerDairyThe Dairy IslandsBannerDairy Lacramor Yogurt Shoals | Dairy Sea
Meat Lands BannerThe Meat LandsMeat Lands Banner Carn Chili Sea | Grisilemar | Sangre River
Saprophus Heart of the World Under Hollows