The Fairy Godmother is an undead fairy haunting Elegy with her army of turned objects.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring The Fairy Godmother |
The Fairy Godmother came to Elegy to help Cinderella get to the ball. She turned Ogbert and Norbert the mice into human servants, which traumatized them.
After the Stepmother transformed into a being of great magical power and erased her name from existence, Cinderella returned to her old home. The Fairy Godmother came and told Cinderella to return to the castle and not worry about the Stepmother's dark spell. Cinderella told the Godmother that she was being selfish. They fought, and Cinderella broke off the heel of her glass slipper and speared the Fairy Godmother's heart with it.
She is also the fairy who cursed Prince Gerard of Greenleigh by turning him into a frog, because he was a "rude child."
The Fairy Godmother looks neither alive nor dead. She has sickly, swamp green skin. She wears a crown on her dirty brown hair.
When Cinderella stabbed her in the heart with the heel of her glass slipper, the Fairy Godmother went insane. She became obsessed with the thought of using her powers of transformation to create everyone's "happily ever after." However, her powers were corrupted due to the nature of her injury.
The Ending of All Things (Part 1)[]
When nearly all the Princesses are either gone or switched sides, Rosamund is able to feel that a force outside of the room is coming. It is then that the Fairies show up at the Canonade.
The Ending of All Things (Part 2)[]
For her part in the battle, the Fairy Godmother sets to attacking the constructs created by Pinocchio that are protecting the Scheherazade and Aesop. Later on, she goes to confront Gerard, looking at him with disdain at his transformation back into a frog. In defiance, he blames her for a lot of the badness in his life, and goes on to say that he is a lot stronger than he once was. With that, having previously gotten the storybook of Sleeping Beauty, Gerard is able to suck her into its pages.
- Her mini sold during the Dimension 20 Neverafter Auction for $1,004.