Fs Get Defgrees is the second episode of Adventuring Party (Season 16), which features the cast of Fantasy High: Junior Year. They discuss the second episode of the season.
Zac: "Why do they call it sixth form?"
Siobhan: "It's, look, listen, schools have existed in England for longer than America has existed."
Ally: "Finally someone put Zac in his place."
Murph: "We figured it out pretty quick, huh?"
Brennan sings The Star-Spangled Banner
Lou: "How 'bout them Sox, huh? How about them Sox? Yankee doodle dandy motherfucker!"
Brennan: "What are we proud of right now?"
Zac: "Gold medal check. Gold medal check."
Brennan: "Wait what is sixth form?"
Lou: "I ate my Wheaties this morning!"