Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 10 of Mice & Murder, proceed at your own risk.

Gangie's List of Names is a written list of the bodies which he was instructed to dig up from the cemetery at Our Lady of Prayerful Paws.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring names on the list
Mice & Murder


The list consists of a total of 15 names, all people who died and were buried in the Our Lady of Prayerful Paws cemetery. Gangie Green was hired by the Squire of Tufting Meadows, William Thornwall Brockhollow to exhume their bodies and deliver them to his estate, Loam Hall. However, Gangie later realized that even though these orders supposedly came directly from the Squire, he had never actually had any personal contact with the Squire himself, and all orders were given through his valet, Ambrose Harding.

The Corpses were later cut up and used to create "amalgamations" - fake Corpses of the Brockhollow Family and their partners (it can be assumed the two crows were used to create an amalgamation of Dr Magpie, and the goat and ram were used to create an amalgamation of Osmond Sheffield) in order to fake their deaths, with the two mice having been used to create an amalgamation of Conor McCabbage as a trial run.

The Deceased[]

Not all species and causes of death are known, although around half of the names on the list are badgers. The names are listed in chronological order of when they were dug up by Gangie.

Name Species Cause of Death Notes
Rufus Roundear mouse Unknown One of the first two bodies Gangie dug up in May/June.
Claude Frommage mouse Unknown One of the first two bodies Gangie dug up in May/June.
Ramsay Rook Crow Unknown
Sven Huginn Crow Unknown
Gavin Stripley[1] Badger Unknown
The Burroughs: Brock, Jane, Michael, Agnes, and Edtih Badgers A highly contagious, consumptive illness, all within one week of each other A working class family who lived two towns over on a farm. The children were grown and married; all victims were adults.
Arthur Mossflower Badger Unknown
Martin and Samantha Diggory Badgers A carriage accident amid a bad storm Vicar Ian Prescott met them personally.
Otis Hornsby Goat Unknown
Bartholomew Bighorn Ram Unknown The last body that Gangie dug up, the day before the Squire's party.
  1. The list seen in Episode 2: A Scandal in Britannia contains a typo for Gavin's last name, which lists it as "Stipley". Brennan later pronounces his name as "stripe-ly" in Episode 4: The Stabber of the Evening when he reads the list aloud.


It Was a Dark and Stormy Night[]

Gangie is first introduced as he sneaks into the cemetery at Our Lady of Prayerful Paws to dig up the last body on his list. He digs up the body of an elderly goat man and his on his way out of the cemetery when he is stopped by Vicar Ian. After realizing that Gangie is carrying a body, the Vicar lets him go, and Gangie brings it back to Loam Hall.

A Scandal in Britannia[]

Outside of Loam Hall, Gangie meets with Buckster $ Boyd, to whom he delivers the list of names in exchange for money.

The Stabber of the Evening[]

Mice & Murder Characters
Player Characters Lars Vandenchomp | Buckster $ Boyd | Gangie Green | Vicar Ian Prescott | Daisy D'umpstaire | Detective Sylvester Cross
PC Families Rusty and Tuna Dumpster | Boarwell Boyd
William Thornwall Brockhollow | Jeremy Brockhollow | Lucretia Brockhollow | Constance Brockhollow | Dr. Corbin Magpie | Osmond Sheffield
Staff Armond Armadillo | Templeton Padhop | Milo Snout | Basil Baskins | Thomas Gilfoyle | Matilda Molesly | Maggie Banks | Ollie Banks | John Sprout | Tessa Teapot | Alfred Honeyhatch | Molly Milton and Millie Molton | Ambrose Harding | Edwina Thimble | Carolyn Dickory | Rosalind Crumb
Lady Eugenia Bristlebrush | Lord Eustace Bramble | Lady Winnifred Bramble | Lawrence Longfoot | Lady Calliope Fawnbrook | Lady Tabitha Fawnbrook | Colonel James Hawkins | Professor Simon Shellcrest | Lord Eoighan McCrae | Red Herring
Other Catherine McCabbage | Connor McCabbage | The Burroughs | Martin and Samantha Diggory | Tufting Meadows Constabulary | Rufus Roundear | Claude Fromage | Masked Assailant | Constable Nettles
Other Historical
King Charles | Eel Musk | Barkus Aurelius | Pharaoh Salamander V | Naponyan | Pawdius the Peaceful | Growlius Caesar the Great | Pawgustus the Wise | Rompie the Brave
Other Fletcher Cottonbottom | Lord Ignatius Cottonbottom | The Cardinal | Roscoe McCoy | Virginia Chase | Hazel Hogswollop | Josiah Jackrabbit
