Gnosis is a fragment of the organic, highly advanced artificial intelligence that inhabits the core of Rubian V.
Quick Answers
What is the physical form of Gnosis?
What happens when Gnosis is plugged into SQ?
What does Gnosis depict itself as in Episode 6?
What is the meaning of 'Gnosis'?
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Episodes Featuring Gnosis |
A Starstruck Odyssey
Gnosis' physical form is comprised of metallic framework and glass. Its outermost frame resembles a 20-sided die, with a few layers of polyhedral shapes rotating inside of it, like 8-sided die and a 12-sided die and some more complicated polyhedrons.
In Episode 6, Gnosis takes hold of all of The Wurst's screens after being plugged into SQ, and starts depicting itself: a 2D-graphic of a spiral compressed on the left and right sides, but rounded on the top and bottom (aka a paperclip).
Gnosis is described in Episode 4 as a holofract, meaning it is a machine that serves as a part of something, but also as the whole of the thing itself. Although it is just a smaller part of Rubian V's core, it still contains all knowledge in the universe, stretching out to infinity. The holofract was salvaged from Rubian V's core by Princeps Zortch to keep it safe from UFTP mining-projects on the moon.
- Gnosis' layers from outermost to innermost consist of an icosahedron, an octahedron, a dodecahedron, a truncated octahedron, and a rhombicosidodecahedron.
- Gnosis' self-simulated appearance and way of communication is a reference to the user-assistant for Microsoft Office used in the period 2000 - 2003, named Clippit (aka Clippy)