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Are you my dad? Am I my OWN dad!?
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Featured Episodes

Grandfather is the Patriarch of the House of the Wing and the Grandfather of both Lord Squak Airavis and Lady Chirp Featherfowl.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Grandfather
A Court of Fey & Flowers



Grandfather is very strict, cruel, and controlling towards Squak and Chirp. He disapproves of their chaotic nature and at one point threatens them that "some birds eat their young". He doesn't like bird puns, except when he is the one making them. He does not allow them to visit the material plane, and holds disdain and contempt for those "below the branch" (i.e. the rest of Faerie).


Grandfather's appearance is described as "all the worst parts of birds", which means he looks a lot like a turkey. He has a wattle, a fleshy, disgusting comb on a bald pate, a snood hanging over of skin and legs that are so thin as to look rickety and as if they are bent the wrong way, His skin is sallow and greyish. Both Squak and Chirp find it difficult to look at him.



At the Masquerade, Grandfather is seen wearing an ivory suit with a cape encrusted with Amethyst at the shoulder and down the breast.


Grandfather invented birds.



Prince Apollo[]

Grandfather is Apollo's potential future grandfather-in-law. Apollo finds him terrifying. Grandfather approves of the match between Squak and Apollo, and even chose him over Alven when offered a choice between the two for Squak to marry.

Lady Chirp Featherfowl[]

Chirp finds it hard to look at her Grandfather due to his appearance, although she loves him. Both Squak and Chirp are visibly afraid of him, as he is aggressive and dissaproves of their chaotic natures. Grandfather dissaproves of their lifestyle choices and that they make bird puns, so he has sent the two of them to the Bloom to behave themselves and find advantageous political marriages for themselves. He also forbids them to go to the Material Plane, and becomes violently angry when Chirp mentions Henry Ford, although she quickly uses Gift of Gab on him to make him forget. His distaste with people outside their house has been ingrained in both of them.

In Episode 6 Grandfather descends partway through the sky to announce that he is proud of Chirp and Squak so far, but he will be back by the end of the Bloom to (possibly) give his blessing to the matches they found. Being terrified of their Grandfather, Chirp and Squak both hide.

At the masquerade, Grandfather turns up to check on Squak and Chirp's matches. Chirp makes him laugh with a joke, and later presents Suntar to him, whom he approves of. Squak gives Grandfather his drug mask under the guise of making him better dressed, while Chirp slips a love potion into his drink.

They next see him at Brunch, where they greet him by chanting "Grandfather" at him. They talk about their matches, which Grandfather still approves of, but is concerned about Apollo's history of calling off engagements, and Squak reassures him they are simply waiting for the most powerful moment to announce it, while Chirp tells him that she finally understands why he doesn't engage in court behaviours. He accepts this, but says he will stay until it is confirmed, and kicks the cousins out of their nest. They both tell him they love him, and he does not reply. He does however tell them that it was Sorwen who he slept with last night.

During the Denouement, Grandfather writes the cousins a letter, telling them that he has always worried for them and treated them harshly because he didn't think they were as good as him, and that they would always be leeches and lechers. During the Bloom however, he realised that the cousins don't actually hold the traits that led their family to ruin. He tells Chirp that she is strong, and Squak, while insinutating that he knows Squak is Airry Pearry, has true talent, and they should persue their dreams, enjoy their nest, and their futures, saying "The Lords of the Wing have never been in better wings than yours".


Esmé is Grandfather's Granddaughter-in-law - she is married to Chirp, his granddaughter. Grandfather does not know of Chirp's marriage, or even Esmé or Peep's existence, and he would disapprove if he did know.

Phillipa "Peep"[]

Peep is Grandfather's Great-granddaughter. Grandfather does not know of Chirp's marriage, or even Esmé or Peep's existence, and he would disapprove if he did know.


Grandfather and Sorwen slept together while Grandfather was under the effects of the "Love" Potion.

Lord Squak Airavis[]

Although he loves him, Squak finds it hard to look his Grandfather in the eyes due to his appearance. Both Squak and Chirp are visibly afraid of him, as he is aggressive and disapproves of their chaotic natures. Grandfather dissaproves of their lifestyle choices and that they make bird puns, so he has sent the two of them to the Bloom to behave themselves and find advantageous political marriages for themselves. He also forbids them to go to the Material Plane, and becomes violently angry when Chirp mentions Henry Ford, although she quickly uses Gift of Gab on him to make him forget. His distaste with people outside their house has been ingrained in both of them.

In Episode 6 Grandfather descends partway through the sky to announce that he is proud of Chirp and Squak so far, but he will be back by the end of the Bloom to (possibly) give his blessing to the matches they found. Being terrified of their Grandfather, Chirp and Squak both hide. At the masquerade, Grandfather turns up to check on Squak and Chirp's matches. Squak presents both Baroness Alven and Prince Apollo to him, asking if he has a preference. This shocks him, but he approves of them both, albeit Apollo slightly more. Squak gives Grandfather his drug mask under the guise of making him better dressed, while Chirp slips a free thoughts love potion into his drink.

They next see him at Brunch, where they greet him by chanting "Grandfather" at him. They talk about their matches, which Grandfather still approves of, but is concerned about Apollo's history of calling off engagements, and Squak reassures him they are simply waiting for the most powerful moment to announce it, while Chirp tells him that she finally understands why he doesn't engage in court behaviours. He accepts this, but says he will stay until it is confirmed, and kicks the cousins out of their nest. They both tell him they love him, and he does not reply. He does however tell them that it was Sorwen who he slept with last night.

During the Denouement, Grandfather writes the cousins a letter, telling them that he has always worried for them and treated them harshly because he didn't think they were as good as him, and that they would always be leeches and lechers. During the Bloom however, he realised that the cousins don't actually hold the traits that led their family to ruin. He tells Chirp that she is strong, and Squak, while insinutating that he knows Squak is Airry Pearry, has true talent, and they should persue their dreams, enjoy their nest, and their futures, saying "The Lords of the Wing have never been in better wings than yours".

A Court of Fey & Flowers Characters
Player Characters Prince Andhera | BINX Choppley | Lady Chirp Featherfowl | Delloso de la Rue | Gwyndolin Thistle-hop | Major K. P. Hob | Lord Squak Airavis
Animal Companions Grandpa Dog | Mucky | Wrackingspelt
The Goblin Court The Goblin King | Viscountess Grabalba | Scorple
Lord Blemish and Lady Boil | Captain Gorebladder | Ustain Bolt
The Court of Hoof and Claw Theodore
The Seafoam Court Baroness Alven | Ephendra | Kiri | Sorwen | The Wavemaster
The Seelie Court King Oberon | Lady Sylmenar
The Court of Stone Jarl Korguf | Claete | Ruyin
The Unseelie Court The Queen of Air and Darkness | Advisor | Princess Suntar
The House of the Wing Grandfather | Gobble | Caw
The Court of Wonder Prince Apollo | The Blue Fairy | Wuvvy | The Chorus
The Trickster Court Fable
Unknown Courts Capacea | Leona and Thymor | The Hedge Maze
The Material Plane Mika | Scratch | Wannessa | Esmé | Peep | Jeremy Renner
