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Dimension 20 Wiki

Greenhold is the capital of Vegetania.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Greenhold
A Crown of Candy
The Ravening War



Greenhold is where the royal family of Vegetania lives, formerly House Cardoon, now House Cabbage. It is located to the far East of the country.



Bloody Harvest[]

After the beginning of The Ravening War, Lady Amangeaux Epicée du Peche, Karna Solara and Bishop Raphaniel Charlock return to Greenhold. Amangeaux attempts to forge a strong relationship with House Cabbage by claiming as the widow of the former ruler she has important knowledge for the war. However, Lady Wedgla, a former lady-in-waiting of Amangeaux's, contradicts her claims, causing some animosity against Amangeaux throughout the court.

The Light and the Shadow[]

After her hand in the murder of Queen Pamelia Rocks, Amangeaux flees from the public eye, leaving Greenhold for a little-known property owned by her family with her secret child. After Amangeaux abandons Greenhold, Karna also leaves, heading to Pangranos to connect with The Fellowship of Destiny's Architects (FDA). Raphaniel, trying to gather allies against the FDA in Greenhold, is noticed by Archbishop Camille Colliflour. He is demoted to archdeacon and sent to Comida and the Cathedral of Saint Arugula as a result.

A Crown of Candy & The Ravening War Locations
Country Cities & Towns Geography Infrastructure
BannerCandia-0Candia BannerCandia-0 Castle Candy | Dulcington | Castle Manylicks | Buzzybrook | Port Syrup | The Sugarlands | Cookieshire | Gumdrop Pass | Frosting Valley | Gumberly | Muffinfield | Piehole | West Cake | North-Gumbia Great Stone Candy Mountains | Cola River Sucrosi Road | Ice Cream Temple | Lazi Fierce Lingerie | The Mint Drake
BannerUvanoFructera BannerUvano Comida | Uvano Pulp Bay | Yogurt Shoals The Great Pyramid of Food | Cornucopian Hall | Cathedral of Saint Arugula | Glucian Road | Frucian Road
Vegetania BannerVegetaniaVegetania Banner Greenhold | Brightgarden Verduran Forest Pilgrim's Road
Ceresia BannerCeresiaCeresia Banner Pangranos Butter Lake | Sea of Pasta | Great Dunes of Grain Imperial March
BannerDairyThe Dairy IslandsBannerDairy Lacramor Yogurt Shoals | Dairy Sea
Meat Lands BannerThe Meat LandsMeat Lands Banner Carn Chili Sea | Grisilemar | Sangre River
Saprophus Heart of the World Under Hollows