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Description; History

Greenpoint is a neighborhood in Brooklyn located near Williamsburg.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Greenpoint
The Unsleeping City
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II


Greenpoint is an area of New York full of bars and partying. There are rooftop places that have been shuttered up for the winter, although there are a few tenacious places still open, equipped with insane heating lamps so patrons can still be on a rooftop bar in the middle of December.


  • Dr. Lugash Primjitzski's office - A dingy little doctor's office located very close to the water in the corner of a warehouse. Not super accredited, probably not even billed or listed as a doctor's office.
  • Pete the Plug's Old Apartment - Deeper into Greenpoint, a train ride away from Dr. Lugash's office. Pete used to live in a spare room in Marta's place which is essentially a converted walk-in closet.
  • Iga Lisowski's home - The apartment where Iga lives with her husband, Oskar, daughter, Jessica, and son, Nick. It looks like it was decorated really nicely in 1979-- it's really well kept, but old. There is a lot of wood, floral carpets, and mismatched prints, with lots of sturdy furniture that was built to last. Iga's room is upstairs and has handmade quilts on the bed. In the corner is an old wooden chest that has been in Iga's family for hundreds of years. The chest is carved with thick trees and also looks like it has lichen or moss growing on it. It has a heavy latch on the front of ancient rusted metal.


The Unsleeping City Locations
New York City
The Bronx, the First Borough Yankee Stadium
Brooklyn, the Second Borough Art Show Space | Clinton Hill Chantry | Greenpoint | Lorimer Street Station | Williamsburg
Manhattan, the Third Borough Broadway | Central Park | Empire State Building | New York Public Library | Grand Central Terminal | Kingston's Home | New York Stock Exchange | St. Owen's Hospital | Times Square | Glamour | FAO Schwarz
Queens, the Fourth Borough Astoria | La Gran Gata's Bodega
Staten Island, the Fifth Borough Spaghetti's Bakery | Monastery of the Midnight Sun
Other New York Sewers
Nod, the Sixth Borough Metropolitan Museum of Memories | Poseidon's Diner
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II Locations
New York City
The Bronx, the First Borough Monastery of the Sacred Rat | 53\/3N's Place
Brooklyn, the Second Borough Clinton Hill Chantry | Helping Hands Homeless Outreach Center | Greenpoint | Greenwood Cemetery | Lorimer Street Station | Coop Village | Crown Heights
Manhattan, the Third Borough City Hall Station | Harlem | Uncommon Knowledge | Madame Anastasia's | Cosmo's | St. Owen's Hospital | Holland Tunnel | Macy's Parade | Grand Central Terminal | Chinatown
Queens, the Fourth Borough Queens Center Mall | Astoria | Neptune's Diner | Fairyland |
Staten Island, the Fifth Borough Spaghetti's Bakery | Monastery of the Midnight Sun
Other Ellis Island
Nod, the Sixth Borough Metropolitan Museum of Memories
Other Lisowski Chest | Faerie