Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Mystery Sillouette2
This article is about the bouncer at Sugah's from Mentopolis, Hans Schadenfreude.
For the article about the Vox Phantasma from The Unsleeping City: Chapter II, see Hans Fischer.
For the article about Hans Dulla, see the Bram University vice-dean from Shriek Week.

"I delight in seeing their torment." ― Hans to Daniel Fucks

Hans Schadenfreude is the bouncer at Sugah's.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Hans Schadenfreude


Hans is an enormous, but good-natured, man with a German accent. His name and personality make it very clear that he is a manifestation of the feeling of Schadenfreude, an experience of taking pleasure from the pain of others. Despite his bubbly demeanor, he is a very violent person, which means he makes for an excellent bouncer for the club.




  • Schadenfreude means pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
Mentopolis Characters
Prefrontal PIs Anastasia Tension | Imelda Pulse | Conrad Schintz
Daniel Fucks | Detective Hunch Curio | The Fix
Mentopolis PC Families Immanuel Pulse | Imogen Pulse
Justin Fication | Donna Fucks
Sugah's Libby Longshower | Hans Schadenfreude | Joey Sneezes
Cerebell Pacific Norrell Ojiccle
Madame Loathing's Home
for Wayward Interests
Madame Loathing | Ronnie Reptile | Ichabod Ice Skates
Oblongata Station Max Medula | Wilton
Bigwigs Judge Connie Fusion | Mayor Leon Logic
Deputy Chief H. V. Lance | Mark Bition
Reflexes Ivana Popov | Fanny Fawnsworth
Frank Freeze | Stacy Fakename
Police Department Chief Alexander Tightass | Pasha N.
Officer Joie de Vivre | Officer Connell
Palookas Don Avaricci | Johnny Gullible
Miscellaneous Donny Urges | Freddy Focus | Anna Lysis
Mr. Thalamus | Dominick Nuntz
Humans Elias Hodge | Mr. Henry
