Heather Simos is the late wife of Tony Simos. She was the Vox Phantasma in the 1980s for just three days.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Heather |
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
Heather was a woman from Staten Island with a loud, 80s, Cyndi Lauper-esque personality, going out to clubs every night. She wears her hair high, crazy purple eye shadow, and lots of huge bangle bracelets.
Like many Vox Phantasmas who have had problems with chaos and recklessness, Heather had a spirit of wild impulsive curiosity. And like many Vox Phantasmas, she didn't have a Vox Populi or other support network to ground her. She was married, but at the time of her induction as Vox, her husband had not yet been awakened to the Unsleeping City.
Sometime before the mid 1980s, she met and married Tony Simos. Sometime after, Nod chose her to be the next Vox Phantasma. However, her wild spirit combined with her Staten Island background made her bold and stubborn. On her third day as Vox, she ventured out into deep Dreaming, far past the shores of the Sixth Borough despite Nod's warnings.
Out in deep Dreaming, she used her newfound powers to create more city, delighting in the possibilities they presented. Among the new stars she created, a small speck of grey began to grow and form into the silhouette of a figure in a suit-- Nod's oldest sibling, Null. It extended a hand to Heather, who eagerly took it to introduce herself. In Null's grasp, she quickly disappeared from the bottom up. Tears streaking her mascara, she was barely able to choke out her last words before she vanished.
Nulla Dies Umquam Memori Vos Eximet Aevo[]
In the Metropolitan Museum of Memories, after facing off against the Animated Armor and rescuing the Unicorn of New York City, Sofia Lee and Pete Conlan venture through the memories section of the museum in search of information. Sofia goes searching for memories about Tony Simos, and Pete for the shared memories of the Vox Phantasma that have been disappearing. Their paths meet at Heather.
She was Vox for such a short period of time, Nod wasn't sure any of her memories even had time to make it into the museum, but with the help of the Lisowski Chest pushing Umbra away, Pete is able to observe her last few moments. They see her flying gleefully out into deeper Dreaming, where she meets Null's shadowy, suited angler fish lantern lure.
Later, as the Dream Team is helping Nod to recover, Nod explains that the reason they travelled away from the Sixth Borough to help their sibling, Nuria, in San Francisco was because they felt that they owed it to Tony to help him in order to make up for being partially responsible for Heather's fate. Tearful, Nod praises how strong and beautiful and full of potential Heather was. They believed she would have made a really wonderful Vox, and they lament not being able to teach her enough of the right lessons in time.
- Brennan believes that each of the Voxes that were released from Null are psychically linked to the other two through dreams but across time.[1]
- Brennan also believes that the Voxes of the past able to leave physical objects and clues in the Waking World for the Voxes yet to come, and the Voxes of the future reaching out in dreams to give warnings of things yet to come, their messages often warped or distorted by the vast stretches of time between them. Brennan believes that this is a timeline that's running concurrently to TUC-Prime, not changing its past but is reachable through the Sixth Borough.[2]
- ↑ Brennan Lee Mulligan, Dropout Discord, 16 March 2021: "Heather, Josephina and Hans are joyfully blasted out of the center of Null by Nod, who is themself extremely happy to be able to rescue their former Champions. They are each returned to their home time periods, respectively, Heather in the New York of 1980's, Josephina in the New York of the 1920's, and Hans [...] the New York of the 1810's."
- ↑ Brennan Lee Mulligan, Dropout Discord, 16 March 2021: "Each of the Voxes Phantasma are psychically linked to the other two through dreams but across time: The voxes of the past able to leave physical objects and clues in the Waking World for the Voxes yet to come, and the Voxes of the future reaching out in dreams to give warnings of things yet to come, their messages often warped or distorted by the vast stretches of time between them."