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This article is about the artificer teacher at Aguefort Adventuring Academy in Fantasy High: Junior Year, Henry Hopclap. |
For the article about Mother Timothy Goose's husband in Neverafter, see Henry Hubbard. |
Henry Hopclap is the Artificer teacher at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Henry |
Fantasy High: Junior Year
Henry is a small Gnomish fellow with goggles and a shock of sandy brown/blonde hair. He's a younger guy, probably fresh out of college. He wears a fireproof apron and has a robotic arm.
Henry is a recent hire. He got his job in the summer prior to Junior Year.
Under Pressure[]
Henry is first introduced finding Gorgug in his class working on an equation he put up on the white board. He kindly points out some flaws in his work before Gorgug asks about multiclassing, which Henry says he wanted to approve, but can't without Porter's permission. He warns Gorgug that junior year artificing is really challenging, but Gorgug wants to do it anyway. Henry says in lieu of Porter's permission on the MCAT to skip freshman and sophomore years of artificer classes, Gorgug can stack up all three years to attend simultaneously, which would be such a heavy workload it would probably require him to formally quit the barbarian track. Like Porter did, Henry also mentions barbarian recklessness and artificer focus isn't a good mix, and that Gorgug would be the first-ever artificer-barbarian multiclass at Aguefort. Gorgug, though, decides to stick with his barbarian classes in addition to triple-stacking artificer classes. On Gorgug's way out, Henry introduces him to some of the artificer students before starting class.
Stress Tested[]
Henry praises Gorgug on an outstanding start to the academic year as he aces all his artificer classes.
A Very Merry Moonar Yulenear[]
At the end of the fall semester, Gorgug asks Henry about his last name and discovers Ruben Hopclap is his nephew. He also asks about Grix and finds out Henry had consulted a bit to help Arthur Aguefort build him, and is secretly hanging onto one of Grix's motherboards.
Dawn of Justice[]
While investigating Henry's connection with principle Grix, Gorgug finds notes about how Henry decided to wait till Auegfort comes back instead for fixing Grix on his own.
While looking through these notes he hears Henry come down the halway berfore Jace Stardiamond teleport in front of Henry and start talking to and talk him about a letter he sent to Jace about his's nephew Ruben. Gorgug overhears their conversation where Jace admits he didn't read or address all the points in the letter but that "we're monitoring everything and it's all fine". Henry asks to follow up in a meeting to go over all his points, but Jace says its too busy and he thinks it would be better addressed when Arthur Auegfort gets back at the end of the year. When Henry tries to convey the urgency of some of his concerns Jace misty steps aggressively back to him and insists he has made himself clear and that Henry needs to mind his own business "and let veterane educators do their f--- job".
Henry then finds Gorgug early in class and seems sucessfuly decived into thinking Gorgug came early to working on his barb-ificer multiclass.
- The artificer teacher that Henry replaced was named Grunding Tomblast, as shown by the staff list in Episode 15 of Freshman Year.