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Dimension 20 Wiki

"Hork. Hork. Hork. My speeecccciiaaaalll!" ― Hork

Hork is a halfling that was tortured in the Bloodkeep.


At some point in the past Hork possessed the crown of Zaul'Nazh, before losing it. He was captured and tortured by Leiland and Master Ipskix. He was freed in an attempt to lure Drova Longfoot and Galfast Hamhead back to the Bloodkeep.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Hork
Escape from the Bloodkeep


Welcome to the Dark Side[]

Master Ipskix mentions that sometime in the past they tortured Hork until the truth was pulled from him, and that he was recently spotted again near the Door of Doom.

The Tomb of Ultimate Evil[]

After Sokhbarr drinks a magical potion that triggers three rolls on the wild magic table, Hork is summoned. He tries to steal the crown, but is eaten by Jessa.


  • Hork is an analogue of Sméagol/Gollum.
    • His quote above is a clear riff on "My precious".
Escape from the Bloodkeep Characters
Player Characters Efink Murderdeath | Sokhbarr | Leiland
Lilith | Maggie | Markus St. Vincent
PC Families Jason | Jessa | Russell | Kyle | Telmeir the Calm | Gogmoth | Leiland Jr. | Tavian St. Vincent
The Forces of Darkness Zaul'Nazh | The Vinguri | Keldriel | Olag | Hobbert and Frod | Master Ipskix | Master Privo | The Norns | Beezo | Sistra | Avanash | Hork | John Feathers | Matthias Feathers | J'er'em'ih | Lava Mog
The Forgotten Fleet Anne of Kilkathery | Bad Henry | Ol' Pickering
The Nightmare Realm Gogmoth | The Boatman | The Nameless Evils
The Forces of Light Stalker | Bulric Bellbarrel | Kasara the Beige | Drova Longfoot | Galfast Hamhead | Goroomrara