House Jawbreaker is one of the houses of Candia, the candy kingdom of Calorum. They reside in Castle Manylicks.
In the aftermath of the Ravening War, House Jawbreaker felt betrayed by their cousins in House Rocks after King Jadain refused to honor Candia's alliances during the war. During the Ravening War, House Jawbreaker acted on the alliances that House Rocks did not, leading to them being in active rebellion with both Candia and the Concord, as they went against the orders of King Jadain. Many members of the house feel that King Amethar's father, King Jadain (and by extension, Amethar himself), sought to ruin their family's honor, and that Amethar deserves to die for it, including Liam Wilhelmina's brother Grash. Liam Wilhelmina was chosen as Amethar's ward, and while staying with House Rocks in Castle Candy, the rest of House Jawbreaker threatens Liam to do their bidding.
In open rebellion of the Concord, and in a treaty with House Rocks that requires Liam to be a ward of House Rocks in order to prevent the members of the Concord from going to war with House Jawbreaker. This treaty allows For Jawbreaker to keep their land and titles while still defying the Concord.

The House Rocks and House Jawbreaker family tree as of Episode 11: At the Mountains of Sweetness, made by Shanimal
Current members[]
- Duke Joren Jawbreaker
- Spearia Mentha (married in)
- At least 33 other partners
- Liam Wilhelmina
- Grash and at least 5 other sons
- Many other children