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"Dude rules." ― Siobhan Thompson, then Zac Oyama, then Brennan Lee Mulligan about Senator Ciabatta
"It's goooooood." ― Senator Ciabatta
Imperator Augustus Ciabatta was the Imperator of Ceresia, previously one of several Ceresian Senators before he overthrew the republic.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Senator Ciabatta |
A Crown of Candy
Ciabatta is a giant loaf of bread that smells like sourdough. He wears a little branch of leaves around his head and a toga. He carries two gladius swords as weapons.
Ciabatta fought in many of Ceresia's insurrections over the last 20 years. He was a low-born citizen who fought his way up the ranks as a war hero. He has been a Senator for the last four years.
Keep Sharp[]
Ciabatta arrives in Comida with the rest of the senators from Ceresia, and accompanied by a mass of soldiers. The party sees him as he tosses coins into the crowd. Commander Constano Grissini stands at attention and reveres him the same way Sir Theobald Gumbar reveres King Amethar.

Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "The Ceresians!"
The Grand Tournament[]
During the Grand Tournament, he sits beside the Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica. After Sir Keradin Deeproot is found to be guilty of the attempted murder of King Amethar, Ciabatta pulls Theobald aside to warn him that he did not believe Deeproot was working alone.

Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "Only thing that got changed really is Ciabatta's expression"
Lapin's Big Day[]
Ciabatta summons Lapin, and is joined by Jet and Ruby, since Lapin had been summoned by the Pontifex. They travel to Alfredi's secret alchemical lab, stocked with weapons particularly dangerous to Candians. He drops a solution in his eyes that causes them glow, exposing that her miracles were artificial. As they explore, he gathers various papers and ingredients, letting the Princesses know that an 'anonymous informant' will let the Imperial Guard know about it in the morning. He makes a speech about Ceresia needing honest leaders, taking much of the information he says was keeping Ceresia from being 'free'.
Safe Harbor[]
Ciabatta is first seen in the attic of Lazi Fierce Lingerie, as one of the four assassins who attack Jet, Ruby and Liam upon entry. He ends up stabbing Jet with a Watersteel dagger, which eventually causes her to die. Upon the three Candians leaving, it is revealed by the other three Ceresian assassins that he has become the Imperator of Ceresia.
Blood & Bread[]
Rescue at Buzzybrook[]
Family Ties[]
For Candia! (Part 2)[]
- His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $2,251