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J'er'em'ih (pronounced jeremy) is the last known scream beast, and the animal companion of Sokhbarr.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring J'er'em'ih
Escape from the Bloodkeep


J'er'em'ih looks just hellish. He is quadrupedal kind of lizard, frog, beaked squid crab creature with prehensile eye stalks where his two eyes move around and his head is like a weird blow fish, because it inflates a little bit, and he has a beak on the front of it. He has got two wings but can't fly because the wings are atrophied and too small, and two tails, hooves, and a pair of clawed hands above his hips on his hind legs with no arms, so they can't reach anything unless he moves his butt up against them.


Welcome to the Dark Side[]

Volcano of Violence[]

J'er'em'ih is part of the battle and in the thick of it next to Sokhbarr the entire time.


  • While J'er'em'ih, as a Scream Beast, could borrow stats from any number of creatures, his Armor Class (boosted as part of Sokhbarr's Beast Master Conclave to include Sokhbarr's +5 proficiency bonus, leaving his original AC as 11), Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence modifiers, along with his 2d4+2 attack damage line up with the stats of a Beast Master Conclave's black bear companion.
Escape from the Bloodkeep Characters
Player Characters Efink Murderdeath | Sokhbarr | Leiland
Lilith | Maggie | Markus St. Vincent
PC Families Jason | Jessa | Russell | Kyle | Telmeir the Calm | Gogmoth | Leiland Jr. | Tavian St. Vincent
The Forces of Darkness Zaul'Nazh | The Vinguri | Keldriel | Olag | Hobbert and Frod | Master Ipskix | Master Privo | The Norns | Beezo | Sistra | Avanash | Hork | John Feathers | Matthias Feathers | J'er'em'ih | Lava Mog
The Forgotten Fleet Anne of Kilkathery | Bad Henry | Ol' Pickering
The Nightmare Realm Gogmoth | The Boatman | The Nameless Evils
The Forces of Light Stalker | Bulric Bellbarrel | Kasara the Beige | Drova Longfoot | Galfast Hamhead | Goroomrara