Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki

Janet and Maurice Tanaka are professors at the University of Washington and the parents of Karen Tanaka, or Dream.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Janet and Maurice
Misfits and Magic


Janet looks just like her daughter, but 40 years older. She wears a pantsuit and her hair in a high bun.


The Chosen Ones[]

As Dream is in the middle of reading the letter she received via owl from Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts, her mother, whom she calls "Janet", knocks on her door to let her know her TV is a little loud. Concerned about the hostile response Dream gives, she enters and sees the owl sitting in the window. She initially believes that Dream rented the owl on the internet, which Dream denies, but has definitely looked into before. Janet calls her husband, Maurice in, who shares a similar reaction and believes the letter to be a craft that Dream made, which he is very proud of.

As Dream insists that she'll be going to magic school at that they can't stop her, they continue to support her, but as Dream suggests several times, they truly do not understand and believe this behavior might be caused from bullying at school. After a brief discussion about Dream's online habits, they finally inspect the letter closer and the owl begins reading again, sparking a small breakdown in Janet.

Dream explains to them how much she wants this: all those years of praying to Lucifer and now it's paying off. But more importantly, she's felt different her entire life, and that makes her unique and creative and deserving of this opportunity. When she explains that she would like them to respect her boundaries to allow her to go, they tackle her for a hug and tell her, through tears, to kill everyone if they make them forget her.


  • Maurice is on TikTik and has five "friends". According to his daughter, he makes pretty solid content.
  • They attended all the Harry Potter movies with Dream.
Misfits and Magic Characters
Player Characters Main Season Dream | Evan Kelmp | Sam Black | Whitney Jammer
Live Show Dangerwolf Darkhawk | Chip n Rip
Andre Henreek | Premium Va-Casians
PC Families and Familiars BooBoo | Dangerwolf's Parents | Evan's Shadow | Janet and Maurice Tanaka | Mordecai | Ravageur | Ron | Sam's Mother | Spalding | Terminator 2 | Theodore | Troxie Darling
Academy of
Arcane Arts
Faculty Headmistress Boudicca Philtrum | Nurse David Stitchnit | The Frunthwinkle | Dr. Norman Boodle | Sausage | Professor Viniscus
Hercinil Digsby Cooper | Fergus Ponst | Khanh Nguyen | Tallulah Jillymont
Aqrabus Penfrew Lairmsbury | Raclette Camembert
Messanteu Sylvie Ecclentripe
Chimeron Anamika | Coggle and Hoggle Undergus | Frink | Jesse | Lemli Irving | Peter
Other Confirmation Dais | Freya | Golden Snitch Kid | Jammer's Coach | Juice Freshman | Roger | Vertiq Alley Shopkeepers
