Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 8 of Mice & Murder, proceed at your own risk.
Mystery Sillouette2
This article is about the badger Brockhollow heir from Mice & Murder, Jeremy Brockhollow.
For the article about the actor chosen to play "The Green Hunter" from A Court of Fey & Flowers, see Jeremy Renner.

"Well, I've heard of the American constitution, but let's see it in action!" ― Jeremy Brockhollow to Buckster $ Boyd

Jeremy "Jez" Brockhollow is the son and youngest child of William Thornwall Brockhollow, and younger brother of Constance Brockhollow. He lives in Loam Hall with his father and his husband, Osmond Sheffield.

After his father's death, he becomes the new Squire Badger.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Jeremy
Mice & Murder


Jeremy Brockhollow is a young badger, and a jolly, boisterous dilettante, who lives a life of leisure, "spending daddy's money". He loves to party, and has a tremendous amount of gambling debt.


It Was a Dark and Stormy Night[]

At his father's 60th birthday party at Loam Hall, Jeremy is joyfully greeting guests at the door as the Sylvan Sleuths arrive. He greets Vicar Ian Prescott and thanks him for coming as they are joined by his aunt, Lucretia Brockhollow.

After Lucretia whisks Lars Vandenchomp away to the Séance Room, Daisy D'umpstaire spots Jeremy conversing with his sister, Constance Brockhollow, near the stairs, but she can't hear them. Buckster $ Boyd, however, can, and steps closer to hear that they're discussing the absence of Catherine McCabbage, the widow of their father's recently deceased employee. As Constance laments how her absence will make them look bad, Jeremy informs her that she declined in her RSVP, to her dismay, as it will appear as if they didn't invite her at all.

When Buckster approaches the siblings' spouses, Osmond and Dr. Corbin Magpie, to glean more information about Mrs. McCabbage, Constance and Jeremy soon join the conversation. Jeremy mentions that he remembers his father telling stories about Buckster's father, Boarwell Boyd, and offers to get Buckster a drink. Although the party is only just beginning, Buckster enthusiastically accepts the hardest liquor they've got: Irish poitín. Jeremy is quickly enamored.

A Scandal in Britannia[]

As Buckster enters the Leisure Room for his meeting with the Squire Badger, it's clear that he's not the gaming sort and that everything in the room is Jeremy's.

Later, when lightning strikes the tower atop the hill at Loam Hall, the power briefly goes out, and the Squire is stabbed in the chest-- seemingly at his own hand. Jeremy and his husband are standing at the doors to the Drawing Room when Matilda Molesly's scream is heard.

Later, it is revealed that Jeremy didn't know whether or not his dad was dead or not, because he had been told they were going to disappear, but wasn't told the plan.

Mice & Murder Characters
Player Characters Lars Vandenchomp | Buckster $ Boyd | Gangie Green | Vicar Ian Prescott | Daisy D'umpstaire | Detective Sylvester Cross
PC Families Rusty and Tuna Dumpster | Boarwell Boyd
William Thornwall Brockhollow | Jeremy Brockhollow | Lucretia Brockhollow | Constance Brockhollow | Dr. Corbin Magpie | Osmond Sheffield
Staff Armond Armadillo | Templeton Padhop | Milo Snout | Basil Baskins | Thomas Gilfoyle | Matilda Molesly | Maggie Banks | Ollie Banks | John Sprout | Tessa Teapot | Alfred Honeyhatch | Molly Milton and Millie Molton | Ambrose Harding | Edwina Thimble | Carolyn Dickory | Rosalind Crumb
Lady Eugenia Bristlebrush | Lord Eustace Bramble | Lady Winnifred Bramble | Lawrence Longfoot | Lady Calliope Fawnbrook | Lady Tabitha Fawnbrook | Colonel James Hawkins | Professor Simon Shellcrest | Lord Eoighan McCrae | Red Herring
Other Catherine McCabbage | Connor McCabbage | The Burroughs | Martin and Samantha Diggory | Tufting Meadows Constabulary | Rufus Roundear | Claude Fromage | Masked Assailant | Constable Nettles
Other Historical
King Charles | Eel Musk | Barkus Aurelius | Pharaoh Salamander V | Naponyan | Pawdius the Peaceful | Growlius Caesar the Great | Pawgustus the Wise | Rompie the Brave
Other Fletcher Cottonbottom | Lord Ignatius Cottonbottom | The Cardinal | Roscoe McCoy | Virginia Chase | Hazel Hogswollop | Josiah Jackrabbit
