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History (Including Junior Year)

Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 3 of Fantasy High: Junior Year, proceed at your own risk.

"She's... the worst." Riz Gukgak

Kalina is the former familiar of Cassandra, temporarily the familiar of the Nightmare King as a plague, and currently the familiar of Bakarath. She uses the visage of a black tabaxi woman, but she is truly formless, existing in millions of bodies simultaneously. After being destroyed by Riz Gukgak and Aelwyn Abernant, she is no longer a plague, just a familiar.

Quick Answers

What is the true form of Kalina? toggle section
Kalina, the trans-substantiated familiar of the Goddess of Mystery, manifests as a black house cat. After the third Trans-Substantiation, she became the Nightmare King's Familiar. Her abilities center on illusion. In the Forest of the Nightmare King, she assumed a corporeal form, capable of inflicting harm. Riz, using his father's gun, killed her, causing her to dissipate into mist. With Cassandra's return, it's hinted that Kalina might reappear in a new guise.
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How did Riz Gukgak and Aelwyn Abernant destroy Kalina? toggle section
Riz Gukgak, a consultant for the Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force, and Aelwyn Abernant, the Elven Oracle, were responsible for the destruction of Kalina. Gukgak shot Kalina, while Abernant dispelled her. This act was a culmination of a lengthy investigation into Kalina and the Nightmare King.
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What kind of creature does Kalina resemble? toggle section
Kalina, a familiar of the Goddess of Mystery, bears a striking resemblance to a black domestic house cat. Her fine, angular features are often concealed, with only her cat-like eyes visible.
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How did Kalina serve the Nightmare King as a plague? toggle section
In the Forest of the Nightmare King, Kalina took physical form to serve as a plague. She could harm those infected by her, particularly at the forest's heart where her power was strongest. Her abilities were tied to illusion magic, allowing her to manipulate the forest's illusions. Despite her power, she was susceptible to harm and was ultimately slain by Riz Gukgak. Aelwyn Abernant dispelled her plague in the fight against the Nightmare King.
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Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Kalina
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year
Fantasy High: Junior Year


While some tabaxi resemble big cats like tigers or jaguars, Kalina has the appearance of a black domesticated house cat, with very fine, angular features. She appears with her face covered, showing only her feline eyes.


Kalina is the trans-substantiated familiar of the Goddess of Mystery, a black cat which was turned into a plague. She is known as the Shadow Cat, and is named as a servant of the Nightmare King, who was working with demons to bring about his return. She was spread through Fallinel by Landrin Lier, a potential follower of the Unnamed Goddess past her death, through tonics given to members of the Elven Councils, and would continue to spread through Fallinel and beyond.

She would be accepted into Fallinel's Secret service and work with Pok Gukgak for many years. She would be the one who influenced Solace to have Pok's Solesian citizenship revoked so he could be killed by Kalvaxus 5 years prior to Fantasy High.

Kalina's Photo[]

In his old KVX files and personal effects from the Kalvaxus case, Riz finds an old photograph of his dad and Kalina at a cocktail party. In the photo, Pok Gukgak is holding his arm around Kalina, who is wearing an evening gown and raising her empty paw in the air, as if holding a glass. Pok is making kind of a funny face, and Kalina wears a wry expression as if joking that she's got a drink in her hand.

The photo is old, taken before Riz was born, and has become a little sun damaged. It's very subtle, but none of this damage extends to Kalina's image in the photo. When Riz held the photograph up to a mirror that revealed illusion in the Bottomless Pit, he could not see Kalina, revealing that her appearance in it was an illusion.

In 'My Green Heaven', Pok Gukgak told Riz that Kalina was always very careful not to appear in photos, and that after the photo was taken it seemed to weaken her power, as she had to actively expend some of it to appear in multiple places and to multiple people at once. It was this information that lead to the Bad Kids filming and livestreaming Kalina in the Forest of the Nightmare King, weakening her and allowing them to defeat her.

This photo is used by the Bad Kids during their adventures as a way to keep track of who can and can't see Kalina and find out who is infected.

Who can see Kalina in the photo?[]

Episode 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 14 16 17
Sandra Lynn
Garthy O'Brien
Arthur Aguefort
Ayda Aguefort
Telemaine Lomenelda
Aelwyn Abernant

The Plague[]

Kalina's plague appears to be spread by bodily fluid, primarily through sexual intercourse, but it has also been seen to spread through tainted medical equipment, a paladin's Lay on Hands, and blood transfusion. It infects a person's eyes, ears, sinuses, throat, and spine, but not their brain. It appears to allow Kalina to affect those senses and functions in people, and also to experience them herself. She seems to use it mostly to allow people to see and hear her, and to see and hear through them. She also appeared to use it to temporarily paralyze Riz when she appeared to him at the Gold Gardens. The infection can be cured using a tincture or by a Greater Restoration spell by Kristen Applebees specifically (on the back of yet another poetic nat 20 from Ally).

Known People Infected[]

Character Infected When Cured
Pok Gukgak From healing himself with Landrin Lier's medical supplies (Confirmed by Brennan on Discord) Around 22 years ago Body destroyed on death
Sklonda Likely sexually transmitted from Pok Unknown When Kalina was destroyed
Riz Passed down from parents Since Birth By Kristen's Greater Restoration in Episode 16: My Green Heaven
Aelwyn From making out with a teen elf in Fallinel (confirmed by Brennan in the FAQ) The summer before The Bad Kids' freshman year Given the tincture by Adaine
Arianwen Unknown Unknown When Kalina was destroyed
Porter Unknown Unknown When Kalina was destroyed
Ragh Infected by Porter through "barbarian healing". After the events of Episode 16: Prompocalypse When Kalina was destroyed
Gorthalax Sexually transmitted from Sklonda Unknown When Kalina was destroyed
Sandra Lynn Sexually transmitted from Gorthalax After Gorthalax was infected, but before he and Sklonda were exclusive When Kalina was destroyed
Tracker From healing Sandra Lynn with a blood transfusion through the spell Life Transference During Episode 5: Leviathan Rock City Shot with the tincture dart by Riz
Garthy Sexually transmitted from Sandra Lynn During Episode 5: Leviathan Rock City When Kalina was destroyed
Kristen Sexually transmitted from Tracker During Episode 8: The Row and the Ruction Anti-Kalina tincture taken in Episode 17: The Forest of the Nightmare King
Fathethriel Sexually transmitted from Ragh During Episode 9: Fallinel When Kalina was destroyed


The Bad Kids first encountered Kalina in a photo of Pok Gukgak they found in Riz's office, although none except Riz were able to see her in it. Sklonda Gukgak told them that she was as a Pok's partner in the secret service, and they often worked together on missions that required Fallinel and Solace to collaborate. She was known for her ability to become invisible, get around wards and abjurations, and being almost impossible to scry on. She and Pok researched the boundary around Sylvaire together, and Pok had reached out to Kalina regarding the staged sinking of Harpy/Cerulean ship before he died. Kalina did not attend his funeral.

She was first seen in person by Riz Gukgak in 'Havoc at the Hotel Cavalier', when saw a pair of eyes disappear into the shadows as he was about to be sacrificed. It was later revealed that Kalina had to perform a ritual to force a high-ranking devil (Gorthalax) in a prison gem inside of a sacrifice, using a 'specific type of body' (probably an infected one) to allow herself passage into Sylvaire, and that Riz was the first intended target of this ritual.

Kalina continued to torment the Bad Kids on their journey, appearing several times to Riz and Kristen, threatening them but never actively hurting them or making contact. In Hell, she appeared to Riz and showed him his father, posing it as a 'carrot', and saying that if he worked with her and the demons, they may be able to free him. This appeared to be a plot to get Riz to blow Pok's cover in Hell and stop them from finding any more information about her, however it lead to the discovery that she could be weakend by photos and videos.

Inside the Forest of the Nightmare King, where dreams are real, Kalina had a corporeal form. She was able to do small amounts of damage to people infected by her plague at the outside of the forest, and at the center where the effect was more powerful she could be seen by and deal damage to everyone, even those not infected.

This also meant that they could deal damage to her, however, and she was finally killed by Riz with his father's gun, turning into mist which is dispelled by Aelwyn Abernant, destroying the third trans-substantiation.

According to Brennan on Discord, while she was the Unnamed Goddess's Familiar, she was turned into the Nightmare King's Familiar with the third Trans-Substantiation. However, now that Cassandra has returned, Kalina may come back in a new form.


Kalina has a myriad of abilities that focus on illusion and infection.

Outside of The Forest[]

Read more about her abilities above.

The plague effects people's eyes, ears, sinuses, throat, and spine. This allows her to appear to them in those senses. She appears to be seen and heard by people. Can effect their spine to fake interactions like a handshake, or the weight of her sitting on their chest. She also paralyzed Riz using this ability.

One weakness of this projection of illusion is that she must maintain that illusion every time an image of her is captured. The photo (see above) takes focus and power away from her when she has to project herself into those images to make sure her cover is not blown of being a plague and not a creature.

Edge of The Forest[]


Final Battle[]

There were a number of passive abilities designed to keep people from being able to hit her. The Bad Kids stopped this from working because of their livestream, Riz's neck tie, and a number of other recording or reflecting things. Kalina is directly weakened for every image she has to project her illusion into.


  • Kalina can make 6 spell attacks when she takes the attack action. Based on the damage range seen in the final fight it is likely d6+6 (Wisdom spell attack).

Spells used or Spell effects active[]

  • Mirror Image
  • Invisibility

Passive effects[]

  • Immune to Frightened condition.
  • Some kind of 5ft aura that was not in effect because of the livestream.
  • Some kind of powerful displacement effect that was no in effect because of the livestream.


  • Peach tumblr|twitter created a homebrew domain inspired by Kalina! Silenced Domain
  • Kalina was the one to have Pok Gukgak added to a list of Solace's enemies so that Goldenhoard would be able to kill him without breaking the terms of his agreement with Arthur Aguefort. This is despite the fact that Kalvaxus was unable to see her in Hell.
  • Kalvaxus was unable to see Kalina before dying, even thought he ate Pok Gukgak's corpse (though, according to Pok, he was incinerated, implying that fire may sterilize the plague).
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year Characters
Player Characters Fabian Aramais Seacaster | Kristen Applebees | Gorgug Thistlespring | Adaine Abernant | Riz Gukgak | Figueroth Faeth
Elmville PC Families William Seacaster | Hallariel Seacaster | Cathilda Ceíli | Wilma and Digby Thistlespring | Angwyn Abernant | Arianwen Abernant | Aelwyn Abernant | Sklonda Gukgak | Pok Gukgak | Sandra Lynn Faeth | Gilear Faeth | Gorthalax the Insatiable | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Mac and Donna Applebees | Bucky Applebees | Bricker and Cork Applebees
Ragh Barkrock | Tracker O'Shaughnessey | The Hangman | The Hangvan | Boggy the Froggy | Baxter | Wretchrot
Other Bud Cubby | Gulsom | Zayn Darkshadow | Edgar | Arthur Aguefort | Lola Embers | Zelda Donovan | Ostentatia Wallace | Danielle Barkstock | Katja Cleaver | Antiope Jones | Penny Luckstone | Sam Nightingale | Skrank Douglas | Shellford Turtleperson | Torek Railgrinder | Basrar | Porter Cliffbreaker | Dr. Asha | Jace Stardiamond | Baron from the Baronies | Craig | Lydia Barkrock
Bastion City Detective Decker | Runce Buggins | Zaphriel
Leviathan Jamina Joy | Alistair Ash | Garthy O'Brien | Captain James Whitclaw | Cult of Old Bill | Chungledown Bim | Creaky McBarrel | Old Young Benjamin | Rawlins | Ayda Aguefort | Garthy and Adaine the Fish
Fallinel Telemaine Lomenelda | Vanleliel | Fathethriel | Court of Stars | Kir
Arborly Grover Tillythatch | Grafmy Rootdrinker | Nuathera | Mira Silverbow | Killian | Gnomish Tinkerers
Hell Vraz the Mean | Kaistrana the Chained | Lorzug the Impaled | Blozo the Undiminished | The Goldenrod | Johnny Spells and his gang | Coach Daybreak | Penelope Everpetal | Dayne Blayde
Heaven Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force | Fitz | Isosceles
Sylvaire The Nightmare King | Kalina | The Great Unicorn | Landrin Lier | Court of Elders | Sexy Rat
Astral State
Chesca Ord'ur'cron | Crytus Triplehead | Gregg | Jathriss Weirdingblade | Threev Womlingbuzz
Deities Sol | Helio | YES!/YES? | Galicaea | Cassandra
Extraplanar Entities The Night Yorb
Fantasy High: Junior Year Characters
Player Characters Fabian Seacaster | Kristen Applebees | Gorgug Thistlespring | Adaine Abernant | Riz Gukgak | Fig Faeth
Vehicles, Familiars and Creations The Hangman | The Hangvan | Wretchrot | Boggy the Froggy | Moggy the Doggy | Cloaca | K2 | Gerard Neigh | Baxter
PC Families Mordred Manor Sandra Lynn Faeth | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Ragh Barkrock | Lydia Barkrock | Zayn Darkshadow | Ayda Aguefort | Edgar
Others William Seacaster | Hallariel Seacaster | Gilear Faeth | Gorthalax the Insatiable | Wilma and Digby Thistlespring | Sklonda Gukgak | Pok Gukgak | Aelwyn Abernant | Arianwen Abernant | Mac and Donna Applebees | Bucky Applebees | Bricker and Cork Applebees | Gorbag | Roz | Telemaine Lomenelda | Cathilda Ceíli
Faculty Arthur Aguefort | Principal Arcturus Grix | Porter Cliffbreaker | Jace Stardiamond | Tiberia Runestaff | Terpsichore Skullcleaver | Lucilla Lullaby | Yolanda Badgood | Corsica Jones | Henry Hopclap | Zara Sool | Simeon du Vayne | Halo St. Croix | Bobby Dawn | Eugenia Shadow
Students Kipperlilly Copperkettle | Ruben Hopclap | Mazey Phaedra | Mary Ann Skuttle | Max Durden | Torek Railgrinder | Oisin Hakinvar | Ivy Embra | Skrank Douglas | Shellford Turtleperson | Buddy Dawn | Sprak LeFevre | Gertie Bladeshield | Molman Holden | Lucy Frostblade | Cody | Ficus
Alumni Jem Peppercorn | Zelda Donovan | Corey Durden
Bastion City Gavin Pundle | Agent Cuspin Clark | Alston Hughes | Tectonya Karkovnya | Lola Embers
Synod Mall Biff | Conor Counterspell
Wolfsong Tracker O'Shaughnessey | Princess Naradriel
Summer Break Allies Duggan McCann | Balthazar | Ecaf | Squeem
Deities Cassandra | YES! | Ruvina | Ankarna | Logran Soulforger
Galicaea | Helio | Sol | Ollie | The Nightmare King | Bakarath
Extraplanar Entities The Night Yorb | Bakur | Alistair Ash | Kalina
Vultures The Vulture King | Suspicious Vulture
Misc. The Cubbys | Craig | Gulsom | Sir Davin | Basrar | Sexy Rat | Baron from the Baronies