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Keldriel is the librarian residing at the Library of Madness at the Bloodkeep that has been severely traumatized by it and its books.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Keldriel
Escape from the Bloodkeep


In the epilogue is its revealed she now goes to Efink for therapy.

Escape from the Bloodkeep Characters
Player Characters Efink Murderdeath | Sokhbarr | Leiland
Lilith | Maggie | Markus St. Vincent
PC Families Jason | Jessa | Russell | Kyle | Telmeir the Calm | Gogmoth | Leiland Jr. | Tavian St. Vincent
The Forces of Darkness Zaul'Nazh | The Vinguri | Keldriel | Olag | Hobbert and Frod | Master Ipskix | Master Privo | The Norns | Beezo | Sistra | Avanash | Hork | John Feathers | Matthias Feathers | J'er'em'ih | Lava Mog
The Forgotten Fleet Anne of Kilkathery | Bad Henry | Ol' Pickering
The Nightmare Realm Gogmoth | The Boatman | The Nameless Evils
The Forces of Light Stalker | Bulric Bellbarrel | Kasara the Beige | Drova Longfoot | Galfast Hamhead | Goroomrara