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Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 17 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

"What's the last part of my title?" ― King Amethar the Unfallen to Lord Calroy Cruller

King Amethar of House Rocks is the former king of Candia and current Emperor of the Concord. He is the father of twins Princess Jet Rocks and Princess Ruby Rocks, as well as Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip. He is played by Lou Wilson in A Crown of Candy, and Matt Mercer as an NPC in The Ravening War.

Quick Answers

Who are the children of King Amethar of House Rocks? toggle section
The children of King Amethar of House Rocks include Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip, his firstborn from his first marriage, and Princess Ruby Rocks and Princess Jet Rocks, his daughters with Queen Caramelinda of House Rocks.
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What is the significance of King Amethar's title 'the Unfallen'? toggle section
The title 'the Unfallen' of King Amethar of House Rocks underlines his tenacity and capacity to defy adversity. His adversaries, anticipating his downfall, question the validity of his title. However, Amethar's survival, despite being paralyzed and pushed from a castle, reaffirms the pertinence of his title.
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How did King Amethar transition from being the king of Candia to the Emperor of the Concord? toggle section
Amethar of House Rocks became Emperor of the Concord after his kingship in Candia was lost due to a previous unannulled marriage, leading to his excommunication and the passing of the throne to Duke Joren Jawbreaker. His claim to the Concord's Emperorship, bestowed by Gustavo Uvano, was acknowledged by the Dairy Islands.
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What role does King Amethar play in The Ravening War? toggle section
King Amethar of House Rocks was an active participant in the Ravening War, fighting alongside characters such as his sisters, Sir Theobald Gumbar, and Lord Calroy Cruller. He used the magical greatsword Payment Day in battle. His relationships with his allies deepened during the war, viewing Sir Theobald as family and earning Lord Calroy Cruller's trust.
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What is the physical description of King Amethar of House Rocks? toggle section
King Amethar of House Rocks, a former king of Candia and current Emperor of the Concord, is recognized for his bravery and primal ferocity during combat. He wields a magical greatsword, Payment Day, and exhibits significant strength and agility. His service in the Ravening War is a notable part of his history.
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"I’m King Amethar Rocks, I am, you know, big, tall, seven-foot like, uh, raw Pop Rock candy man. You know, I am a Storm Herald Barbarian, level three. I’ve got a, you know-- this is all so much just jumbles of information-- I’ve got a green Pop Rock candy beard, and all of the, in my opinion, unnecessary accoutrements of the King of Candia. Which I am. For some reason." Lou Wilson

King Amethar is bold on the battlefield, but a little more demure in his dominion. He doesn’t really seem to care much for politics, and struggles to be the stereotypical decisive and strategic king, but where he falls short in metaphorical stature he makes up for it in heart.

He wields the magical greatsword Payment Day.


King Amethar Rocks served in the Ravening War alongside many other NPCs, including his sisters, Sir Theobald Gumbar, Lord Calroy Cruller, Manta Ray Jack, Sir Morris Brie, and the first Concordant Emperor, Gustavo Uvano. In the midst of fighting, they have all witnessed each other pissing and shitting in trenches, a fact that is often brought up among them as a reassurance of their close bond and friendship.

In one such incident, after Raging all day, Amethar got drunk and bet the rest of the men 40 sweetfarthings that he could make it to a distant tree and back. No one could even speak up to take the bet before Amethar took off in a dead sprint, shitting himself on the first step. On another occasion, he, Jack, and Sir Morris lifted the side of a tent to reveal Gustavo with his pants down. They all saw his penis.

When he was 24 years old and travelling through the western islands of the Dairy Islands, he met Catherine Ghee, and they were married by Father Belford Buttercream. They separated as the war continued, and when the war had ended, Amethar could not locate her again to have their marriage annulled. He believed he was still legally married to her. However Catherine had passed away before Amethar was married to Caramelinda

During the war, Amethar unfortunately lost all four of his sisters, a bereavement he still mourns daily. He now serves as the head of House Rocks and King of Candia.

Shortly after the war ended, he met and married Queen Caramelinda, then the Duchess of Meringue. His father, King Jadain, passed away, and he inherited the throne to become King of Candia.


A Crown of Candy[]

Deep Bleu Sea[]

Amethar asks how long they can stay afloat to which she replies over the storm the ship will go down no matter what and their best bet is to get everyone to another ship. Amethar agrees and follows Liam over to the nearest ship and attacks the marauders in his path while yelling for the Colby crew to join. together they take out marauders one by one. Without Annabelle steering, the Colby sinks further into the sea causing waves to rock the smaller boats throwing Theobald, Jet, and Annabelle overboard. Amethar see the trouble his family is in and jumps back onto the Colby and gets the last crew member to swing the ship towards the smaller boats.

The ship sinks further downwards but it is not able to drag Amethar under the waves. Amethar sees Ruby go overboard and unable to save her joins the attack on the rowboat. He starts throwing men overboard into the mast of the other ship giving Ruby the chance to get back aboard the marauder ship. Liam takes out the rest of the marauders with him and steers the ship partially over the sunken Colby. Annabelle is finally able to climb to safety aboard and she take the wheel from Liam. The last Cheddar crew mate on the Colby along with their fallen friend also make it aboard. In the distance they see the farthest House Bleu marauder ship sail away without a captain.

On the rowboat, Theobald, Jet, Amethar, and Cumulous are left with two marauders who promptly kneel and surrender. Cumulous kills one marauders and Jet kills the other. Primsy is brought onto the rowboat with the group and then they all board the House Bleu marauder ship.

Safe Harbor[]

La Fondue sails in through a storm heading towards open sea. With most of the Cheddar sailors down the Rock family have to help sail the ship with Captain Annabelle who has lashed herself to the helm. As the storm passes the group are able to go below deck to rest. Having fought that morning in the cathedral and then on the Colby most of the group passes out due to exhaustion. Cumulous and Theobald stay up conversing about the monks and bonding over their mutual connection to Lazuli.

They awaken the next morning to the storm gone and the Cheddar crew gathered on deck for the funeral at sea for their fallen comrade with Annabelle presiding over. Afterwards Primsy emerges from below decks and invites the Royal House of Rocks to a parley in the captains quarters. There they tell Annabelle and Primsy the events that happened in the cathedral and what events led to Amethar's breaking his oath of marriage. They also divulge to Annabelle and Primsy that Amethar was named the successor to the Concordant Emperor.

With in their down time as they voyage to the Dairy Islands Jet, Ruby, and Theobald research the Ramsian Doctrine is a belief concerning how the world ends. Cumulous then tells only the House of Rock members that Candia's are not normally magical, it is a curated magic from the Sugar Plum Fairy. The church knows that their power comes from others not having magic. During this conversation Ruby shocks Theo and Cumulous with the revelation that she sees Lazuli outside of her death vision.

La Fondue arrives to to the Dairy Island and continue sailing to the Cola River and arrive at Port Syrup. At the port are three sunken imperial warships. Annabelle and runs down a banner of House Cheddar with a smaller banner of House Rocks flying underneath. As they arrive at the harbor they see Manta Ray Jack and Sire Morris Brie. Amethar and Manta Ray Jack embrace and Manta Ray tells them of his escape with Sir Morris and how they managed to escape borderline and get word to Candia with the help of Calroy but unfortunately Lord and Lady Swirly were no so fortunate. For now Calroy and the Queen are holding Candia but Jawbreaker is in a tight spot. No Concordant Emperor has been named and The Pontifex will not hold a Concordian Council till Candia is brought back into the fold. Till then she will be stewarding the Concord.

In the port the group is met with a royal welcome but the church bells that normally would ring do not. A report is given that there is violence in the mountains from with marauders, imperial attacks on House Jawbreaker, and forty imperial soldiers were in a passage with their blood smeared on the frosty mountainside saying "Long live the queen." There is also a notice of a call to musters for all various banner lords and vassals to report to the Castle Candy because a huge army is moving north from Comida cross the Cola River and attack Castle Candy.

Ruby communes with Lazuli via a mirror and conveys to the group that if they go straight mountains it will be worthless but if they go to Castle Candy their is a chance to take the army's and go north before heading back south to face off with the invading armies. Annabelle and Primsy bid farewell to the House of Rock as the sail back to Lacramor to muster the Dairy Islands and ensure the seas are not safe for any ship aiming for Candia. Sir Morris Brie stays to hold down the port while Manta Ray takes the group on the Babybel ship to Castle Candy.

They arrive to Castle Candy at 4 in the morning. Ruby and Jet get tattoos from Manta Ray. The group walk up to Castle Candy and Theobald not so casually announces them to Limon. Limon hops off the wall and meets the group below. Things with Limon get dark but they are saved by the gate suddenly lowering. Queen Carmelinda sweeps the Jet and Ruby into an embrace. She reassures them that she is just happy to have them back safely. Theobald is commanded to take the princesses and prince Liam inside. Calroy runs out while pulling on his war pants. Calroy regards Cumulous with suspicion and the group has to inform them that Lapin sacrificed himself to save them. When the group minus Theobald and Amethar try to steal away the Queen puts her foot down trapping them in caramel and has them all go inside to get freshened up. The group notice Theo send a private message to the queen who only response with "Noted."

Amethar quietly follows Caramelinda to their chambers. As she confront him about not telling her of this other marriage, she finds herself more hurt but Lazuli's silence than Amethar's silence. Amethar vows to be better to which Carmelinda says "Amethar the Unfallen, We'll see if Candia will have the same title" and then she leaves. Amethar is stuck in his place after this confrontation.

Calroy enters the room and convinces Amethar to leave the room to discuss battle plans. As they look over the vast fields with tents, Calroy plunges a knife into Amethar's back. Amethar is paralyzed as Calroy twists the knife. Calroy leans in and monologues about his hatred for Amethar for their whole friendship, and reveals that not only had he orchestrated the many assassination attempts against Amethar, but also had a hand in the death of Rococoa. Upon finishing his explanation of how he has been a constant source of the troubles in Amethar's life for decades he remarks that when a person dies, they shit themselves. He wonders aloud if anyone will still call him Amethar the Unfallen after this before exclaiming on the joy to a future without him that he can't ruin and pushes the paralyzed king off to perish via long falling and then goes off to overtake the castle.

Amethar thinking of his daugthers comes out of paralysis while falling. He sees a glowing point of heart red light crosses the bridge and extinguishes and he knows that Jet is gone. Like a meteor in the sky the king erupts in flame as he rages and strikes the ground. From the dust the King of Candia stands alive as the sounds of war erupt around him.

The Ravening War[]

The Light and the Shadow[]

Amethar follows his sister, General Rococco, among the Comidan leaders as they plan for the Battle of Pangranos. This battle turns out to be the conclusive battle ending the Ravening War.


Princesses Jet and Ruby Rocks[]

King Amethar's twin daughters. He loves them more than anything. He is a lot like his daughters in his disinterest in politics and trouble-making. Unlike their mother, he shows support of their antics, and has even taught them a few things he used to do when he was young.

Queen Caramelinda[]

King Amethar's wife, and queen of the realm. She's really the one who keeps the kingdom from falling apart. Queen Caramelinda is frustrated at his lack of active participation in ruling their kingdom, and disapproving of the way he tends to enable their daughters' antics.

Lord Calroy Cruller[]

King Amethar's right hand man. They're very good friends, as they served in the Ravening War together. They watched each other piss and shit in the trenches. Being illiterate and indifferent to politics, he very often asks Calroy's advice about decisions and questions about royal details.

However, Calroy later reveals himself to be a traitor to House Rocks. He has faked his friendship to Amethar almost the entire time they have known one another and has tried for so long to get rid of him. Safe to say, their friendship is over with the dagger he puts into Amethar's back and the shove into the castle moat far below.

Sir Theobald Gumbar[]

Lord Commander of the Tartguard, a highly incompetent military force tasked with protecting the royal family of Candia. Previously the ward of Archmage Lazuli of House Rocks, Sir Theobold is loyal to King Amethar and the House of Rocks above all else.

Theo is so loyal to his king that he formally nominates him for consideration to be named Emperor, despite that Amethar is illiterate and handles virtually none of the politics or statecraft within Candia himself.

Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker[]

Amethar is very protective of Liam, as he considers it his responsibility to make sure he is safe as his ward. The two have a close relationship.

Emperor Gustavo Uvano[]

The Concordant Emperor and a very good friend of King Amethar. He's the main reason Candia has grown so much in the years of peace since the Ravening War. He trusts King Amethar enough to hand write him a letter in his sick, weakened state to call him to attend the Grand Tournament, where he intended to name him heir to the Concordant Throne before his death.

Duke Joren Jawbreaker and House Jawbreaker[]

Another House of Candia, which Amethar's paternal uncle, Duke Joren Jawbreaker, is head part of. He has great admiration for his uncle, looking up to him as an inspirational figure and hero for his accomplishments during the Ravening War. When the House rebelled, seceding from the Concord, Amethar and his sisters supported him. Joren taught Amethar everything he knows about fighting. This fondness for his uncle influences Amethar's relationship with his cousin and one of Joren's sons, Liam.

However, the House as a whole does not feel the same way about him. They believe that as King Jadain's brother, Joren is the rightful king of Candia, and are in favor of removing Amethar from power by any means.



  • He is illiterate.
  • King Amethar once attempted to eat his sword, Payment Day, and ended up really regretting it.
  • His title of "The Unfallen" comes from the fact that he's the only one of his siblings that survived the Ravening War.
  • His nickname "Pops" is a play on Pop Rocks, the popular brand of candy, which he is also made out of.
  • Outside the game, Lou Wilson wrote letters in character as King Amethar that were meant for Emily Axford and Siobhan Thompson's characters to read in case King Amethar died. [1]
    • King Amethar's letter to Princess Ruby Rocks said: "Daughter, I love you so much, you are so strong and brave. I'm sorry I couldn't protect Jet. I'm sorry that when Jet died, I was a bad dad. Please, live Ruby." The letter was misspelled and poorly written because King Amethar was illiterate. Siobhan Thompson kept Amethar's letter to Ruby since the filming for A Crown of Candy ended and kept the letter in a frame.
  • During his introduction in The Ravening War, Amethar is described as having a "smoothly bald head." However, in his character placard, he depicted with a full head of hair.
  • Amethar is the one of the only Dimension 20 character to have appeared as both a player and an NPC. (Others include Sam Nightingale, Ostentatia Wallace, Danielle Barkstock, and Penny Luckstone)
  • His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $8,501


  1. Dropoout.tv, Dimension 20's Adventuring Party, "The Wild Childs"
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts
The Ravening War Characters
Player Characters Lady Amangeaux Epicée du Peche | Karna Solara |
Bishop Raphaniel Charlock | Thane Delissandro Katzon |
Colin Provolone
House Rocks Queen Pamelia | Saint Citrina | General Rococoa |
Princess Sapphria | Prince Amethar of House Rocks
House Uvano Lord Gustavo Uvano
Misc. Count Jacques Tomaté | Chutney | Van Pinnonoir
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Ariana Gemelli | Senator Enzo Carbano |
Imperator Focaccia
Misc. Flakey Smuthers
The Dairy Islands
House Cheddar Prince Tarthur Cheddar
Fontina Lucas Fontina | Aaron Fontina
Misc. Colton Gouda | Manta Ray Jack | Ludos Whitespear
Vegetania House Cardoon King Arthur Cardoon
The Bulbian Church
Bishop Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Camille Colliflour | Sister Ryely Underbake | Sir Allium Goldring
House Cabbage Count Belvedere Cabbage
House Iceberg Lady Wedgla
Misc. Sir Drunon | Porrum | Ja'Cru Dite
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Beef Clan Chieftess Cleva Katzon | Sirley Haig | Basha Myaso
Misc. Saint Eggamere | Darren “Dishless” Quichéi
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | Deus-Pa'Zuul