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Description; History

Lawrence Longfoot is a photographer and newspaper magnate in attendance at William Thornwall Brockhollow's 60th birthday party.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Lawrence Longfoot
Mice & Murder



Lawrence Longfoot was a newspaper magnate in attendance at Squire Badger's party, invited to help make him look better. He is known for publishing absolute trash, but got very rich doing it and as such was invited to the 60th birthday party of Squire William Brockhollow.

Early in the evening, Longfoot takes a picture of Sylvester raising a glass as he returns his fee to the Squire, with the Squire in the background instead of the focus, an occurrence that deeply embarrassed and enraged the Squire. The flash of his camera startles Mrs. Molesly.

Later, he takes a picture of Buckster and Sylvester at the bar, and tells Sylvester he has something special planned. Though at this point in time it is not revealed what the plan is.

After the murder of William Brockhollow, Sylvester asks Lawrence to take a picture of him and Molesly as part of his performative revelation to the people of Loam Hall, revealing that she has epilepsy. Lawrence expresses excitement to be present for and to document such an event.

Though it is not known at the time, Lawrence Longfoot is the Masked Assailant who attacks Buckster, Lars and Gangie at the top of the elevator.

Lawrence Longfoot is seen in the ballroom witnessing the case made by Buckster Boyd in regards to why he, Lars and Gangie went up the elevator and what they saw.

After the Sylvan Sleuths escape to the secret basement of Loam Hall to investigate the goings-on down there. In that time, the faux constables begin taking away any guest who they suspect to know what the sleuths are planning. Lawrence Longfoot was one such guest. It is discovered, however, that Longfoot was not taken to be interrogated but to lead the interrogations as the identity of Lawrence Longfoot was an alias of Fletcher Cottonbottom. Fletcher had used a disguise kit to make himself appear as the lowborn hare, providing him the ability to move throughout Loam Hall unhindered. It is unclear whether or not Lawrence Longfoot was ever a real person.

Mice & Murder Characters
Player Characters Lars Vandenchomp | Buckster $ Boyd | Gangie Green | Vicar Ian Prescott | Daisy D'umpstaire | Detective Sylvester Cross
PC Families Rusty and Tuna Dumpster | Boarwell Boyd
William Thornwall Brockhollow | Jeremy Brockhollow | Lucretia Brockhollow | Constance Brockhollow | Dr. Corbin Magpie | Osmond Sheffield
Staff Armond Armadillo | Templeton Padhop | Milo Snout | Basil Baskins | Thomas Gilfoyle | Matilda Molesly | Maggie Banks | Ollie Banks | John Sprout | Tessa Teapot | Alfred Honeyhatch | Molly Milton and Millie Molton | Ambrose Harding | Edwina Thimble | Carolyn Dickory | Rosalind Crumb
Lady Eugenia Bristlebrush | Lord Eustace Bramble | Lady Winnifred Bramble | Lawrence Longfoot | Lady Calliope Fawnbrook | Lady Tabitha Fawnbrook | Colonel James Hawkins | Professor Simon Shellcrest | Lord Eoighan McCrae | Red Herring
Other Catherine McCabbage | Connor McCabbage | The Burroughs | Martin and Samantha Diggory | Tufting Meadows Constabulary | Rufus Roundear | Claude Fromage | Masked Assailant | Constable Nettles
Other Historical
King Charles | Eel Musk | Barkus Aurelius | Pharaoh Salamander V | Naponyan | Pawdius the Peaceful | Growlius Caesar the Great | Pawgustus the Wise | Rompie the Brave
Other Fletcher Cottonbottom | Lord Ignatius Cottonbottom | The Cardinal | Roscoe McCoy | Virginia Chase | Hazel Hogswollop | Josiah Jackrabbit
