Spell Level
First Appearance
Grasping Vine (Renamed Grasping Web)
Lilith conjures a web that sprouts from the ground in an unoccupied space of her choice that she can see within 30 feet. When she casts this spell, she can direct the web to lash out at a creature within 30 feet of it that she can see. That creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be pulled 20 feet directly toward the web. Until the spell ends, Lilith can direct the web to lash out at the same creature or another one as a bonus action on each of her turns.
Episode 2: Volcano of Violence
Lilith causes a cloud of spiders to appear momentarily on one creature she can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or it takes 3d6 poison damage (as Lilith is above 11th Level) and moves 5 feet in a random direction if it can move and its speed is at least 5 feet. She rolls a d4 for the direction: 1, north; 2, south; 3, east; or 4, west. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and if the direction rolled is blocked, the target doesn't move.
Episode 2: Volcano of Violence
Reverse Gravity
This spell reverses gravity in a 50-foot-radius, 100- foot high cylinder centered on a point within 100 feet. All creatures and objects that aren't somehow anchored to the ground in the area fall upward and reach the top of the area when Lilith casts this spell. A creature can make a Dexterity saving throw to grab onto a fixed object it can reach, thus avoiding the fall. If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this fall, falling objects and creatures strike it just as they would during a normal downward fall. If an object or creature reaches the top of the area without striking anything, it remains there, oscillating slightly, for the duration. After 1 minute (or if concentration is dropped), affected objects and creatures fall back down.
Episode 2: Volcano of Violence
Thorn Whip
Lilith create a long, vine-like web whip covered in thorns that lashes out at her command toward a creature in range. She makes a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 3d6 piercing damage (as Lilith is over 11th level), and if the creature is Large or smaller, she pulls the creature up to 10 feet closer to you.
Episode 3: The Caged Elf and the Crown
Transport via Plants (Renamed Transport via Webs)
This spell creates a magical link between a Large or larger web within 10 feet and another web, at any distance, on the same plane of existence. Lilith must have seen or touched the destination web at least once before. For 1 round, any creature can step into the target plant and exit from the destination plant by using 5 feet of movement.
Episode 3: The Caged Elf and the Crown
Lilith places a magical command on a creature that she can see within 60 feet, forcing it to carry out some service or refrain from some action or course of activity as Lilith decides. If the creature can understand her, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by her for 30 days. While the creature is charmed by her, it takes 5d10 psychic damage each time it acts in a manner directly counter to Lilith's instructions, but no more than once each day. A creature that can't understand her is unaffected by the spell. Lilith can issue any command she chooses, short of an activity that would result in certain death. Lilith can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. A remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell also ends it.
Episode 3: The Caged Elf and the Crown
Lilith can manipulate nature in several ways: she can create a tiny, harmless sensory effect that predicts what the weather will be at her location for the next 24 hours- this effect persists for 1 round; she can instantly make a flower blossom, a seed pod open, or a leaf bud bloom; she can create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as falling leaves, a puff of wind, the sound of a small animal, or the faint odor of skunk (the effect must fit in a 5-foot cube); she can instantly light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
Episode 4: Airship Ambush
Charm Person
Lilith can attempt to charm a humanoid she can see within 30 feet. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if Lilith or her companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by her until the spell ends or until she or her companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards Lilith as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by her.
Episode 4: Airship Ambush
Conjure Animals (Re-flavoured as her children)
Lilith summons her children to fight alongside her (one child of challenge rating 2 or lower; two children of challenge rating 1 or lower; four children of challenge rating 1/2 or lower or eight children of challenge rating 1/4 or lower). The children summoned have their own initative but follow their mothers commands. When Lilith casts this spell using certain higher-level spell slots more creatures appear: twice as many with a 5th-level slot, three times as many with a 7th-level slot, and four times as many with a 9th-level slot.
Episode 6: The Tomb of Ultimate Evil