Lord Bandlebridge is minor nobility of Shoeberg that Puss in Boots and Pinocchio attempted to con. He has a lot of nice looking possessions that aren’t as valuable as he’d like you to think they are.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Lord Bandlebridge |
Lord Bandlebridge has a broad moustache and a feathery cap.
Lord Bandlebridge has a rather ostentatious and abrasive personality. Every time he tells, what he believes to be, a good joke, his head tilts in a very specific way and if you have to do that every time, it probably wasn't a very good joke after all. (According to Pinocchio and Pib, at least.)
Cole expresses a deep dislike for Bandlebridge, calling him an idiot, and Shoeberg "a festering boil on the face of the Neverafter." Cole intimidates him into backing off from Pinocchio. He refers to Bandlebridge as "Bainbridge", and tells him to stop being nosy and keep his thoughts to himself.
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh[]
The series begins with Pib and Pinocchio attempting to scam Bandlebridge by pretending that Pinocchio is a cursed prince who needed 40 gold pieces to lift his curse, in exchange for which the two promised to give him 40 platinum pieces, as well as Pinocchios "beautiful sister"'s hand in marriage, with a plan to instead just push him down and run away. Pinocchio later offends Bandlebridge by asking for nicer sheets, but Bandlebridge agrees, as he didn't want to upset the person doing him a favour. Later, Bandlebridge realises they aren't who they say they are when he overhears Pinocchio refer to himself as the Prince of Shoeberg. Bandlebridge begins to berate them, when Timothy steps in with Silvery Barbs and his pointy broom to protect Pinocchio, After Timothy and Cole have finished berating Bandlebridge, Pinocchio tries to follow him into his shoe carriage, and when Bandlebridge intimidatingly invites him in, Timothy and Ylfa have to pull him away.
Puss in Boots[]
The series begins with Pib and Pinocchio attempting to scam Bandlebridge by pretending that Pinocchio is a cursed prince who needed 40 gold pieces to lift his curse, in exchange for which the two promised to give him 40 platinum pieces, as well as Pinocchios "beautiful sister"'s hand in marriage, with a plan to instead just push him down and run away. Pinocchio offends Bandlebridge by asking for nicer sheets, but Bandlebridge agrees, as he didn't want to upset the person doing him a favour.When Bandlebridge comes back, Pib tells him that he is his best friend. Lord Bandlebridge replies that he has a list of his top ten best friends, of which Pib was number seven, but has now moved up to number three. Later, Bandlebridge realises they aren't who they say they are when he overhears Pinocchio refer to himself as the Prince of Shoeberg. Bandlebridge begins to berate them, when Timothy steps in with Silvery Barbs and his pointy broom to defend Pinocchio, During this commotion, Pib pulls Bandlebridge's scroll from his pocket.
Princess Rosamund du Prix[]
Mother Timothy Goose[]
Timothy approached Bandlebridge to investigate his shoe carriage, but didn't get much information from him, other than that all the buildings in Shoeberg are shoe shaped. When Bandlebridge asks Timothy about his job, Timothy responds "I wear a lot of hats" to which Bandlebridge agrees, but meaning it much more literally. When Timothy sees the Gander behind Bandlebridge, Timothy whispers "Fucker. You fucking piece of shit." to which Bandlebridge becomes offended, thinking he was talking to him, and Timothy attempts to grab him by the neck to hiss "I'm a cursed man", and Bandlebridge runs away. He later tells Bandlebridge that Pinocchio is incredible. When Bandlebridge starts to insult Pinocchio, Timothy uses Silvery Barbs on him, because he hates hearing adults yelling at children, insisting that while some children are scary and seem like they might have a dark future, this child is "Beautiful and good". When Pinocchio tries to enter Bandlebridge's wagon again, Ylfa and Timothy have to pull him away.
Ylfa Snorgelsson[]
When Pinocchio tries to enter Bandlebridge's wagon again, Ylfa and Timothy have to pull him away, and Ylfa accidentally intimidates him into backing off.
Henry Hubbard[]
Bandlebridge killed Henry Hubbard by accident when running him over with his carriage, which sent Henry to the Twice Upon a Time.