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Partial History

Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 17 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

"They're technically correct, I don't think the king can perform a coup. I don't think the king can coup. If the king and queen were in cahoots over a coup, then that coup could could happen against the king. Now, a count can coup!" ― Lord Calroy

"That mother. fucking. piece. of cake... In those hot. ass. pants..." Ally Beardsley on Lord Calroy Cruller

Lord Calroy "Cal" Cruller (né Battenburg) is the Marquis of Muffinfield, and King Amethar's best friend and right hand.

He is also officially recognized as the ruler of Candia for a time, after staging a coup against House Rocks, until they return to Castle Candy with allies to overthrow him again.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes featuring Calroy
A Crown of Candy
Time Quangle


Lord Calroy is a giant slice of cake with eyes on top, kind of pitched forward. He wears striped pantaloons and carries a saber.

He is extremely cunning, and although he acts like the King Amethar's best friend, he is very jealous of the disparity in their political and social statuses. He is extremely knowledgeable on political and royal affairs, unlike Amethar, which he resents him for; Amethar relies on him very heavily when he is confused about important names, dates, duties, etc. He is also an incredibly skilled assassin, but pulls punches during several battles in order to keep his true motives hidden.

For appearances sake, he addresses Amethar formally, though after fighting together in the Ravening War, Amethar trusts him completely and views their relationship as a very close, informal bond. Calroy uses this to manipulate Amethar and get close enough to House Rocks to stage several assassination attempts and eventually a coup.


Calroy's father, a merchant named Johan Battenburg, was granted the noble title of Earl of Sconebridge when Calroy was around 10 years old. Because of his commoner roots, Cal saw many more opportunities open to him with an older, richer and more venerable name. When he married Lady Donetta Cruller at age 19, he took her last name, a practice not uncommon in Candia. Donetta was a co-conspirator of Calroy's for a time, long enough to work with him to murder her tyrannical older brother so that they could rule Muffinfield. She also helped him broker his initial deals with Ceresia with her family's reputation there.[1]

Cal fought alongside Amethar in the Ravening War. Obsessed with power, Calroy was also working against Candia by supplying Ceresian forces with weapons. When General Rococoa of House Rocks found this out near the end of the war, he ordered Ceresian troops shoot and kill her behind Candia's own lines.


Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "The first pass of Calroy was too upsetting"



Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "[One of the two SEXIEST characters in the entire show, Lord Calroy Cruller [...]! Put respek on their names.]"

There is Strength in Sweetness[]

Lord Calroy is first introduced approaching King Amethar in the chapel at Castle Candy as he speaks with the statues of his deceased sisters. He reports that Her Majesty the Queen is less than chuffed that their twin daughters, Princesses Jet and Ruby, had planted scarecrows during their lesson with Chancellor Lapin Cadbury in order to play hooky and escape to Dulcington. The King thinks that it was an awesome move on the Princesses' part, and shows extreme pride as he cheers them on. He's not surprised at the King's reaction and informs him that the Queen would like them to get on the same page about a punishment for the girls. The King balks, and Cal explains that "punishment" was the Queen's words, not his.

He notices two weapons cases of marbled candystone, which the King tells him are gifts for the Princesses for their Saint's Day. He reports that preparations for the girls' celebration are ready and breaks the news that they've received a letter from Comida, from the Concordant Emperor and King Amethar's good friend Gustavo Uvano.

He admits that he overheard some of what King Amethar was saying to the statues of his sisters and reassures him that the four of them were some of the greatest heroes Candia has ever known. The King confidently corrects him that they are the greatest heroes, and Cal concedes. He tells the King that Candia is stronger than its ever been, and it's due in part to his leadership. The King dismisses him, thinking that he's only saying such nice things because he has to, but Cal reassures him that after everything they'd been through during the Ravening War, he says it as a friend: Amethar is a great king. The King thanks him, and Cal helps him carry one of the weapon cases out of the chapel.

Lord Calroy Cruller stat block

A stat block of Calroy made AdLongJump7544

Ambush on the Sucrosi Road[]

Keep Sharp[]

After helping House Rocks defeat the Cheese Marauders, Cruller starts this episode by warning Princess Ruby Rocks of the dangers of using arcane magic in the lands beyond Candia, and around people from there, such as Commander Grissini and the Imperial army. He, alongside Chancellor Lapin, attempt to teach her the lesson of discretion, and how Candia is more accepting of magic than the other kingdoms of the Concord. He also thinks instead of dwelling on what has happened, they should continue to move to Comida, and talk about the situation whilst on the road. He demonstrates to Princess Ruby that, whilst she is not to be killed, since that would directly threaten the peace of the Concord, there may be some repercussions if she continues to use magic as lax as she did. He says something such as the Pontifex forcing her to stay in a monastery may have the chance to occur if she isn't more careful with magic. He also educates the twins on how gentle life is now, and how it wasn't that way before the Ravening War, and how they need to be careful with magic to stop the world from returning to how it was.

He also reveals that he has traveled to the Meat Lands, and witnessed their worship of the Great Beasts, teaching the young princesses of their spirituality. He also tells them of how the Bulbian Church is necessary to the keeping of the Concord.

Whilst talking to the princesses about magic, he starts to grow suspicious of Chancellor Lapin, since the conversation about the Sugar-Plum Fairy was mentioned. Later, he confronts Sir Theo about this, but receives no answers from him.

After this, he attempts to bond with Liam about father, but struggles to do this, because of his Liam being hard to bond with. We learn from him why Duke Jawbreaker chose not to join the Concord, because he rebelled against the former King by helping Candian allies in the Dairy Islands, and that some members of House Rocks, namely King Amethar and his sisters supported him in doing this.

Upon arriving in Comida, Calroy offers to stay by the King's side, in order to ensure he knows what everyone's name is, to which the King agrees, choosing him over Lord Swirlie. Also, at this time, he is surprised by Lapin, and ends up dropping a cup, and questioning how he is so stealthy, yet so tall.

The first place he and the King go during the banquet is towards Primsy Coldbottle, Sir Morris Brie and other Dairy Islanders, in order to discuss the attack on the Sucrosi Road. After this, the King receives a dirty look from Basha Myaso, so Calroy suggests going over to confront him about this, which shows how good Calroy is at diplomacy. When this exchange becomes tense, because of what Basha is accusing the Candians of, Calroy attempt to calm down the situation, and drags the King away from it.

Towards the end of the episode, he joins House Rocks, Sir Theo, Chancellor Lapin and Liam in going to see Emperor Gustavo Uvano.

The Grand Tournament[]

Lapin's Big Day[]

Safe Harbor[]

Cal reveals that not only had he orchestrated the many assassination attempts against Amethar, but also had a hand in the death of Rococoa.

He confesses that he hates Amethar. Has despised him for almost the entirety of their friendship. He especially always loathed him for his almost constant good luck assisting him in so many endeavors including being the one to inherit the throne even though he was never as brilliant or clever as any of his older sisters.

He monologues how much harder he has had to work for power like being the one who put Silton onto the idea of pursuing Primsy Coldbottle for political benefit, arranging the first and second assassination attempts. He was so worried he would fail all for the king's damned good luck.

But he had heard Manta Ray Jack's remark earlier on a girl Amethar had in the Dairy Islands and since he knew how deeply the king trusted him, it must have been something worth using against him. So he assisted in trying to torture Mantaray into talking before they resorted to using the book of St. Citrina.

Cal reveals the pontifex was the one to order Citrina's death by Vegetanian knights.

With the information forced from Mantaray, the trap of the whole trial was quickly put together to strip the Rocks of their title and power for the crime of adultery.

Upon finishing his explanation of how he has been a constant source of the troubles in Amethar's life for decades he remarks that when a person dies, they shit themselves. This refers to the grueling, primal conditions that formed Amethar's life long friendships and mocks him for it.

Cal says he will be happy to watch him shit once more in this final, confident assassination of stabbing him and throwing him off the high tower they are on into the crevasse below. He wonders aloud if anyone will still call him Amethar the Unfallen after this before exclaiming on the joy to a future without him that he can't ruin and pushes the paralyzed king off to perish via long falling and then goes off to overtake the castle. The full monologue is detailed below.

Family Ties[]

Looking through the intel gathered from Sir Keradin in the village of Buzzybrooke, the group confirms that House Cruller has completely taken over the south of Candia and holds the castle in a rogue state. Fructera, Vegetania, Ceresia, and the Meat lands have all recognized his rule. However the push south from the Cola river has fallen apart as predicted by Lazuli's vision sent to Ruby. This is caused by a divide between the House Uvano and the Church. Plumbeline Uvano withdrew her troops, because if the church says their is no concord without Candia, then House Uvano has no alliances and no reason to invade Candia. Only Cruller and a few Vegetanian forces are left in the south and the main army of House Rocks is in the south of the Great Stone Candy Mountains along with Jawbreakers forces and the Ceresian imperial forces.


There is Strength In Sweetness[]

  • I was with you in the muck, in the tents, in the trenches. We've seen each other shit and piss in pots in dark fields under torchlight. We fought and bled together, so I'm saying as your friend, you are a good king.
  • "Well, listen, there's more of us than the queen, so if we all get in trouble at the same time, then it all kind of just shakes out." [Jet: Like a coup?] [Ruby: We can't coup, he's the king] "That's technically correct, I don't think the king can perform a coup."
  • If the king and queen were in cahoots against a coup, than that coup could happen against the king.

Ambush on the Sucrosi Road[]

  • Remember, if we win without class, we haven't won at all.

Keep Sharp[]

  • You’re hard to bond with.
  • [Liam: Not really a war guy.] No one is, until the war comes.

Safe Harbor[]

  • "You know what I always hated about you, Amethar? You were so damned lucky. I mean, 5th in line for the throne and the crown rests on your head, and each of your sisters better and more *grunts* clever than you. It really makes the unfortunate minor lord of a less than wealthy barony feel a little underwhelming. Well, I'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky. The least lucky thing that ever happened to Roccocoa was when she found that I was selling weapons to the Ceresians - that, that had to be dealt with, and I think you'll remember how strange it was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines - but that's war, and strange things happen all the time. The Ceresians, I find are very reasonable, very reasonable and you can see some of their tents out here in the field. You know, I don't have luck so I have to work. I have to work a lot. First, I had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of the Duchess Coldbottle, and I had to ferry his idiot sailors all the way the Sucrosi road to that little farmhouse - I mean, had to get them there somehow, they couldn't sail there, could they? And they'd be so suspicious walking up the road, and yet - you miraculously survived, when you should have died. Amethar the Unfallen. You uncharacteristically leave a fight, you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot - and they call the tournament, even with all the work that me and Alfredi put in to getting those watersteel daggers into her hands. I - I thought I was going to fail. And then, and then your friend Manta Ray Jack mentioned a girl, at the banquet, 'stashed somewhere in the Dairy Islands', and I thought, 'That's so interesting. Amethar and I are best friends, war buddies as far back as we can remember. Why would he never tell me?' And I got to thinking, 'Amethar was never quiet about his exploits as a roving Prince of Candia, so why didn't I hear about this girl?' And I thought, 'I'd better talk with Manta Ray Jack.' He didn't wanna talk, but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book. Very useful, your sister. Very useful indeed - up until a young Belizabeth Brassica ordered her run down in the streets by Vegetanian Knights. That - that hurt, because she had always been very sweet to me. Well, after Manta Ray, I saw an opportunity. You know, it hurts to have all of your plans fail, but they say that improvisation is the better part of planning, so I was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself, Amethar. You know what happens to a man when he dies? He shits himself. So I'll be happy to watch you shit one last time, Amethar. I wonder if they'll call you 'Amethar the Unfallen' after this? Here's to a future you can't ruin."


  • Calroy was a Rick Perry character before he was a Brennan character. Calroy was one of the first food-shaped minis the art team created, and Brennan immediately loved him.[2]
  • Lead miniature painter Shane Brockway gave him his fancy pants.
  • His mini was the highest priced miniature sold during the auction for $11,201.[3]
  • A second mini was made by Rick Perry to be given to a group of fans by Dimension 20 as congratulations for having raised just over $11,000 in funds to buy the original in the auction but were later able to give $8,580 in donations to 5 seperate mutual aid funds when they did not have enough. The group are documenting the travels of the Calroy mini on the twitter account @whereiscalroy[4]


  1. Twitter. 2 Oct 2020 (Archived 13 Mar 2022). @BrennanLM. "Calroy married INTO the Cruller family at age 19…"
  2. Adventuring Party. Season 1, "Choppy Skullduggery".
  3. YouTube. 4 Nov 2022. @dimension20show. Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City Minis Auction
  4. Twitter. 22 Jan 2023. @whereiscalroy. "Thank you all so much for participating in our reveal tonight!…"
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts