Lord Stilton Curdeau is a travelling companion of Duchess Primsy Coldbottle and the head of the Dairy Island noble house, House Bleu.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Stilton |
A Crown of Candy
Lord Stilton is a young Dairy nobleman dressed in all blue. He's a fancy little cheese boy who, unlike most of the nobility present at the Grand Tournament, speaks with a French accent. It's covered with lots of rich, Fructeran colognes, but he also has a familiar stink.
Stilton is the youngest son of House Bleu. All of his older brothers died at sea. When he was young, he entered the Bulbian Clergy, preventing him from getting married. Despite this, he has heavily and openly courted the Duchess Primsy Coldbottle for some time.
Keep Sharp[]
Lord Stilton Curdeau is first noticed by Sir Theobald Gumbar as he observes King Amethar of House Rocks speaking with Duchess Primsy Coldbottle and Sir Morris Brie. King Amethar and Sir Morris step away to speak privately, and Theobald notices Primsy look over at Stilton. He winks at her, and she blushes.
Later that night, Theobald approaches him and Primsy to ask who he is. Primsy tells him that Stilton is her traveling companion, and he introduces himself. Not only does he speak in a French accent, but his stink is also very familiar to Theo. As a precaution, he asks Lord Calroy and Lady Donetta Cruller to keep Primsy away from him the next day during the Grand Tournament.
Lapin's Big Day[]
The boon is requested by Captain Annabelle Cheddar that he be released from his Bulbian vows, so that he may marry the Duchess.
Escape from the Bulb Creeps[]
Deep Bleu Sea[]
At the beginning of the combat in the Yogurt ocean, Stilton Curdeau started by swinging from his ship to the crow's nest of the Colby, before stabbing Primsy Coldbottle in the stomach with a sword, immediately causing her to fall prone on 0 hit points, saying 'Mon cherie, I am happy for the throne you have given me.' Luckily, during this, he does not see Jet Rocks, who is also in the crows nest. He then gets stabbed by her and flung off of the Colby, to die in the Yogurt ocean.
- His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $1,751