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Ludos Whitespear is the dock master in western Comida.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Ludos Whitespear
The Ravening War


Ludos has long asparagus spears coming out at odd angles on his head, ending in a tuft at the top. He also has eczema. Despite being racially Vegetanian, he has a Dairy Islands accent.


Ludos was adopted and raised in the Dairy Islands. He currently works as a dock master on the western side of Comida, a job he's worked for the past 20 years, though it isn't panning out the way he'd hoped.


The morning of the 6th day of Frostdusk, Colin Provolone takes the opportunity to go to the shipyards on Comida. He meets Ludos, and gets him to send a crate out that night back towards Carn, and another towards the Frucian Road the next day at midnight. Colin's plan is to hide in them if in need of a quick escape within the next few days. Provolone gives him a tip to give him even more incentive to carry out his request. The two chat for a bit, connecting over the fact that they were both originally from the Dairy Islands. Ludos then asks Colin what he does for a living, to which the cheese man replies, "Watching people's backs," then offering Whitespear a job, something he genuinely considers. Colin then tells him, if this shipping job is done well, he'll get back to him about the potential job change, though the aparagus isn't quite convinced. Their conversation ackwardly ends with Colin throwing Ludos another coin which promptly hits him in the eye.

The Ravening War Characters
Player Characters Lady Amangeaux Epicée du Peche | Karna Solara |
Bishop Raphaniel Charlock | Thane Delissandro Katzon |
Colin Provolone
House Rocks Queen Pamelia | Saint Citrina | General Rococoa |
Princess Sapphria | Prince Amethar of House Rocks
House Uvano Lord Gustavo Uvano
Misc. Count Jacques Tomaté | Chutney | Van Pinnonoir
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Ariana Gemelli | Senator Enzo Carbano |
Imperator Focaccia
Misc. Flakey Smuthers
The Dairy Islands
House Cheddar Prince Tarthur Cheddar
Fontina Lucas Fontina | Aaron Fontina
Misc. Colton Gouda | Manta Ray Jack | Ludos Whitespear
Vegetania House Cardoon King Arthur Cardoon
The Bulbian Church
Bishop Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Camille Colliflour | Sister Ryely Underbake | Sir Allium Goldring
House Cabbage Count Belvedere Cabbage
House Iceberg Lady Wedgla
Misc. Sir Drunon | Porrum | Ja'Cru Dite
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Beef Clan Chieftess Cleva Katzon | Sirley Haig | Basha Myaso
Misc. Saint Eggamere | Darren “Dishless” Quichéi
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | Deus-Pa'Zuul